Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow
on the eve of the day of science for young scientists was awarded the prize of the Moscow government. This year’s winners received two million rubles. Just marked projects and developments 87 scientists, reported Deputy mayor of Moscow on social development Anastasia Rakova.
“this year, we awarded 50 prizes 87 young researchers working in scientific institutions of Moscow. The award winners we selected for the competition out of the 837 entries from more than a thousand people. We support young scientists, knowing that their ideas and developments in the future may become the basis for the development of urban innovation,” are the words Cancer portal of the mayor and government of Moscow.
As specified, for the award eligible graduate students, candidates of science aged up to 36 years and doctors of science up to 40 years.
the Prize is awarded for research in the field of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, Humanities, social, technical and engineering Sciences, ICT, and development in the field of biotechnology, aviation and space technology, urban infrastructure, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, instrumentation, electronics, energy conservation, protection of information.
For seven years in the capital prizes were awarded to 354. The award may be awarded individually and collectively. If the winner becomes the team of scientists, the prize is divided among all participants equally.
Day of Russian science will celebrate at ENEA on 8 and 9 February. On 11 platforms of Muscovites and city guests are waiting for tours, master classes and lectures devoted to high technologies and scientific disciplines. One of the main venues will be the innovative-educational complex “tehnograd”.
Also the Day of Russian science will be celebrated in the Park “Zaryadye” 8 Feb. It will be held in the scientific-educational center “Protected the Embassy.”
For guests of the festival have prepared the master-classes, lectures of the best young scientists in the country, as well as interactive shows and experiments. All activities are free.
the privateSTI, children and adults will be able to study the life of microorganisms, to feel the tracers to make their own slime and join the world of science by listening to lectures.
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