The four last years weather organization (WMO) and the World, the warmest since records began in the mid-19th century. Century. The year 2018 was the fourth-warmest since the start of the measurements. Also, the past two decades had been particularly warm, was informed by the WMO in Geneva on Thursday. The 20 warmest years were, therefore, in the past 22 years, said in a preliminary report on the state of the climate in the year 2018, the world meteorological organization (WMO) presented on Thursday in Geneva.

WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas warned that the world is in the fight against climate change and rising temperatures on the right path. If current trends hold, the threat of the increase in the global average temperature by the end of the century by three to five degrees. Taalas noted, “the fact that we are the first Generation to understand climate change fully, and to do the last Generation that is able to something about it”.

For 2019, it already looks now is not good: The WMO estimates that the Chance that in the next three months, the El Niño weather phenomenon begins, 75 to 80 percent. The every couple of years occurring climate phenomenon that leads to droughts in the tropics and reduces the capacity of forests to absorb CO2. “If El Niño develops, is expected to 2019 will be warmer,” says the WMO.

efforts to triple

The WMO report also refers to a variety of extreme weather events in the expiring year. So, in the whole of the Northern hemisphere, 2018, significantly more tropical storms than usual. Up to 20. November have been reported, therefore, 70 such storms, the long-term average is 53. Also on the unusually strong heat wave this summer in Europe, the WMO noted. Of the drought, in particular Germany and its neighboring countries were affected.

The WMO issued its report three days before the start of the 24. UN climate change conference in the Polish city of Katowice. There representatives advise starting on Sunday of about 200 countries, such as the objectives of the Paris climate agreement, specifically, are to be implemented. Global warming is to be kept to the agreements found to be significantly below two degrees, preferably 1.5 degrees. The global CO2-emissions must be reduced, which last year reached, according to a UN report, a record. The IPCC had claimed, therefore, at the beginning of October, in his special report to the 1.5-degree target “fast, far-reaching and unprecedented Changes in all areas of society”.

The climate report of the UN environment programme, Unep, the climate target of two per cent can be achieved only with significant effort. After three years of decline in CO2 emissions 53,5 Giga had been set around the world by 2017-tons of climate-harmful gas-free, – stated in the report published on Tuesday. The States would have to triple their efforts tripled, in order to prevent the global warming stay for a maximum of two degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrialization, as it was agreed in 2015 at the climate conference of Paris. For the more ambitious goal of 1.5 degrees, the efforts would have to be even five times as large.

The world’s 20 largest economies (G20) are not currently on course, your former Commitments for the reduction of CO2 to comply with. In 2030, emissions would need to be around 25 percent lower than last year, in order to achieve the Two-degree target. For 1.5 degrees, you would have to fall by more than half.


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