Another 15/03/20 Why it was dangerous to watch Soviet TV sets
the Most widespread distribution of domestic television sets in the Soviet Union 70 years. Then the production was launched a series of standardized tube-solid-state color TV (WPCT, 1974 – s integrated circuits – WPSTI).
Produced until the end of 1989, the number of factories of the Soviet Union, the TV series, according to the doctors and telemetery could cause (and often caused) substantial harm to their users.
Radiation from the CRT
up To 90 years, all domestic television sets were equipped with cathode ray tubes (CRT) or, more simply, the CRT. As he wrote the very popular Soviet magazine “Health”, the scientists had proved the harm of radiation of electrons in the CRT, when in fact they are low-power x-rays. Therefore, physicians are advised not to come to the Soviet “Rubies” and “Records” closer than 2 meters and not to watch television more than two hours a day.
Modern LCD TVs and plasma, according to “Health”, such radiation is not given – because of the lack in their design the cathode ray tube.
the 70-ies of the models of national TV (“Raduga-5”, “ruby-401-1”) had an additional, and more powerful than the cathode ray tube, the x-ray source – stabilizing triode, which in 70-e years have appeared in WPCT.
what was burning and exploding Soviet “boxes”
According to Soviet experts, among domestic WPCT(AND) the fire could be almost all TV models – Ukrainian “Spring”, “Slavutich” and “amber”, the Belarusian “Vityaz” and “Horizon”, the Russian “blue”, “rainbow”, “ruby” and many other Soviet vacuum tube-solid state television that the USSR was produced for 17 years until the end of 1989, not yet deprecated.
As he wrote in 1984 in the journalNala “Radio” specialist “rehabilitation” of Soviet TV O. Yaschenko, “specific conditions” the most popular at that time, the domestic color TV sets of WPCT-59/61-II and OPSTI-59/61-II (that is, often leading to fires or explosions of the equipment and, as a consequence, fires in houses and apartments of Soviet citizens) was overheating circuit boards in blocks of TV sets or poor, poor factory soldering on these parts.
In TVs OPSTI-61-II-30/31 fire was transistors, resistors, coils and other elements of the unit scan. Was samouskorenie resistor Board models of WPCT-61-II-10/11, OPCT-61-II-13 and OPSTI-61-II.
Often “specific conditions” of the Soviet television, provoking their explosions and fires have happened due to power surges in the mains. Therefore in houses and apartments near the TV sets often were special stabilizers (regulators) voltage.
“the Body of the mammoths” “give heat” and today
Despite the fact that the production of ULPT(S) discontinued more than 30 years ago, the former Soviet Union there are such working “mammoths”. In 2008, Ukrainian media reported that in one of the Kherson apartments babahnulo Soviet TV “Horizon”, with the result that in the living room there was a fire. There were no casualties, the flame was quickly extinguished.
Examination showed that the explosion of the TV set happened due to an internal short circuit in the “box”.
Nicholas Syromyatnikov
© Russian Seven
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