History 11/03/20 Why the traitor Andrey Vlasov was tried twice
At the end of the war General Vlasov with the armed parts of the POA has betrayed the Nazis and began to seek support from allies, particularly the Americans. The main part of the Vlasov was immediately issued by them to the Soviet authorities. Realizing that Americans are not going to cover it, the General asked for political asylum in neutral Switzerland. In this he unconditionally rejected. In 1945, may 12, Vlasov was issued by the allies and the Soviet reconnaissance Yakushev and arrested.
the Investigation and first trial
may 15, Vlasov was taken to the Lubyanka. The first interrogation led by the Commissioner of V. S. Abakumov, the head of counterintelligence. Then as a secret prisoner number 31 Vlasov was put into a cell. May 16, the accused General of the so-called “pipeline”. The word on the street was the name of a special technique of interrogation: the prisoner almost continuously interrogating successive guards and investigators.
It lasted about ten days. Vlasov admitted the guilt completely. Under investigation he remained until the end of 1945. In December Abakumov wrote a report to Stalin about 12 prisoners the “Vlasov” and proposed to sentence them to capital punishment.
the Meeting in the case of Vlasov and his supporters lasted for 2 days from 30 July to 1 August 1946. The said 12 generals were charged with treason, espionage and subversive activities against the Soviet Union. The sentence was executed immediately, in prison. Body hanged generals were cremated; their ashes scattered in an unmarked ditch near the Donskoy monastery. So “buried” many enemies of the people.
2001: a retrial
an Attempt to whitewash the name of General Vlasov was taken in 2001 with the filing of hieromonk Nikon (in the world known as Sergey Belavenets). His request for rehabilitation was executed in 1946, the General is based on the fact that he was not a traitor Rre-created, but only an opponent of Bolshevism, atheism and the totalitarian Stalinist regime, in a penny do not put human life.
the Decision of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation of 2001, executed in 1946 General A. A. Vlasov was posthumously charged only the charges of counter-revolutionary propaganda. On the remaining counts he was not rehabilitated.
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