Weapons 11/03/20 Wikipediapage submarine fleet of the United States is the main threat to Russia
Not long ago the American President Donald trump said that the submarine fleet of the US can destroy Russia. Whether submarines under the stars and stripes so formidable a weapon or head of the White house’s bluff?
At the moment the Navy of the United States – the leader of both the number and capabilities of submarines and has 74 submarines 4 classes. Three classes of multi-purpose submarines – “Virginia”, “Seawolf” and “Los Angeles” are responsible for the detection and destruction of enemy ships, as well as support operations Marines. Submarines of class “Ohio” are weapons of strategic deterrence and is designed for missile strikes on key military-industrial targets of the enemy.
the Main striking force of the submarine fleet of the United States are 15 submarines of class “Virginia” – a more advanced and economical alternative to the “Seawolf”. They perform the same operational tasks as the submarines of class “Los Angeles”, but have additional advantages, for example, the ability to work effectively in coastal waters that are used for intelligence gathering and special operations.
it is Important to note that all American submarines are nuclear powered, which significantly increases their autonomy (in the Russian Navy almost half of the submarines, diesel – electric). Today, American submarines are able to produce fresh water and oxygen and food to them is usually enough to 90-100 days of sailing.
Commenting on the launching of the submarine “Hawaii” (of class “VA”), the Minister of the Navy Donald winter noted that “cruising range, maneuverability, and lethality, coupled with a highly professional and combat-ready crew makes this the most powerful submarine on the underwater theater of operations”.
Out of competition
About a third of American submarine LoDoit is always in the sea: either patrolling or were currently teaching. If necessary, they can begin to perform combat missions in any part of the world ocean, which certainly is an advantage on the competition. Western military analysts believe that unlike the American submarines, most of which is afloat of Russian submarines will be deployed closer to his native shores.
American submarines have greater nuclear capability than Russia: 24 Intercontinental ballistic missiles, “Trident” mounted on “Ohio” to 16 ICBM “Bulava” on the “Borei”. In addition, the range of a “Trident” a couple of thousand kilometers further than the “Bulava”, the power of the American rocket is about 1.7 times higher than the Russian.
However, as noted by the Deputy Director of the Center for international security at the Atlantic Council, Magnus Nordeman, in recent years the submarine fleet of the US and NATO did not focus on anti-submarine operations, which significantly worsened the skills in this area.
But if the benefit of U.S. submarines to Russian not so critical, the Chinese submarine fleet to compete with America yet. Experts believe if the us military uses submarines, for example, in the disputed waters of the South China sea, the preponderance of US here will be more than obvious.
Chief researcher of the Japanese Institute of international Affairs Tetsuo Kotani noted that an American submarine with guided missiles can evade Chinese sonar and quietly closer to the coast of China. Suffice it to a 170-meter “Michigan”, carrying 154 cruise missiles to destroy the runway of the nearest Chinese airfields.
the Perfect weapon
the Defense industry, the US is constantly upgrading its submarine fleet. In particular, the Pentagon is developing new technologies to detect and defeat submarines statedICA using unmanned underwater vehicles. Engineers plan to equip their most complex and sensitive sensor systems that have no analogues.
the Ministry of defense intends to invest over $ 8 billion in modernizing submarines, primarily in the IV and V series of submarines of class “Virginia”, each of which is planning to arm 40 “Tomahawks” as well as to equip with modern electronics. Develop the submarine will be provided with a nuclear engine nuclear reactor, which is designed for 30 years.
the New near-silent motor (noise level is reduced because of the insulated chambers and modern design of the power block with the “silencing” coating) will allow us to move the boat even in relative shallow water. Upgraded “Virginia”, according to the concept of the Pentagon, should become ideal “spies” and “murderers.”
Taras Repin
© Russian Seven
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