History 03/03/20 Why the Germans lost the “war of snipers” to the soldiers of the red Army
the Great Patriotic war was the scene of clashes of different kinds of weapons, strategies and tactics, including the confrontation of Soviet and German snipers. Their mission is simple: destroy as many enemies while remaining undetected.
Training and team spirit
Any expert will confidently say that Soviet snipers were the best in the Second world war. The secret of success in care training shooters, which was conducted long before the war. In the 1930-ies in the USSR was the development of the mass shooting sports, has introduced measures to improve fire training soldiers of the red army. In 1932 was established the title of “Voroshilov sharpshooter”, which according to various estimates received from 6 to 9 million people.
Serious attention in the USSR was given the method in small business and compliance training “sormadi shooters.” The theory was supported by the systematic improvement of skills of sniper fire during military exercises, while army authorities constantly monitored the improvement of the quality of weapons and armor. The main instrument of Soviet sniper rifle was the Mosin, sometimes used self-loading rifle Tokarev.
the Germans in the early stages of the great Patriotic war clearly underestimated the effectiveness of sniper fire. But after the loss of soldiers of the Wehrmacht began to grow exponentially thanks to the efforts of our snipers, the German military leadership was forced to give this “archaic” method of warfare more attention, in particular, resorting to the help of the Soviet educational films.
armed with German snipers were equipped with the Mauser 98k rifle mostly polutorakratnoe scope ZF41. However, many of the German rifles “Mauser” was not satisfied, and they preferred to replace them with captured Soviet “trehlineyki”. Even poyavilsayasya in 1943, the G43 rifle, using a copy of the Soviet PU scope, not change the situation. The Germans have repeatedly recognized the advantage of the Soviet gunmen, explaining that not only quality training, but the presence of team spirit, which was stronger than the German individualism.
the Champions
the Most effective shooter of the great Patriotic should recognize the Sergeant Mikhail Surkov from the 4th infantry division of the 12th army. His score is 702 German soldiers. Followed by snipers Vladimir Salbiev with 601 killed by German and Basil Kvachantiradze 534 with a well-aimed hits. The nearest soldiers of the Wehrmacht – the mountain Ranger Matthias Hetzenauer with 345 confirmed dead in the rating of snipers is only 26th place.
In the dispute with the Soviet military for the title of best sniper intervened only Finn Simo Hayha, who is credited with 504 killed by the red army, however, the documents of them confirmed only 219 of the victims. But even if we accept the original number, then the above 4 places Hayha still will not rise.
this unofficial rivalry top German shooters could boast except that the victory over the Soviet women-snipers: if on account of the first German Troika 811 well-aimed shots, leading the three of our girls have destroyed 746 enemy soldiers. However, taking into consideration that among the Soviet snipers were about 1,000 women who has eliminated more than 12,000 troops of the Wehrmacht, to these figures, German soldiers are likely to remain out of work.
considering the use of snipers of any kind of weapons, here are the outright winner can be declared Fyodor Okhlopkov, which in addition to the 425 well-aimed shots from a rifle killed more than 600 Germans from a machine gun.
Among the Soviet shooters were Champions of another kind. For example, the sniper of 82nd rifle division Mikhail Lysov rifle shot down a German two-seater dive bomber Ju-87, and Sergeant Vasily Antonov of the 796-th infantry division, four shots of unicoil was one of the most versatile aircraft of the war Ju-88.
the Sniper of the 50th rifle division Nikolai Galushkin for one day on 17 July 1943 were able to eliminate 32 German soldiers, and then another to help their colleagues to seize a German tank and deliver it to the location of Soviet troops.
it is Impossible not to pay attention to the fact that Soviet snipers in contrast to the German worked and night. So, on account of Ivan Kalashnikov, a sniper of the 1st Guards artillery regiment 45 accurate night shots. In this component he has no rivals.
Sniper duels
On the battlefields of world war II, often in a deadly duel was joined and the snipers. The silent confrontation of Soviet and German sniper is often delayed for several days, until one of them awkward action will not let himself gawking at his optical sight. The vast majority of fights won by the Soviet hands.
Partly, this contributed to the peculiar tactics of the German sniper school, according to which to leave the position required a short, zigzag dashes. It was believed that to get to such a target is almost impossible. However, our hands repeatedly denied this belief, firing from “trehlineyki” “skedaddle hare” Krauts.
the Most famous sniper duel occurred in 1942 in Stalingrad between Vasily Zaitsev and Erwin könig (according to others, Heinz Thorwald). Duelists for four days to try the patience of each other, while the German didn’t respond to a raised Zaitsev helmet. Just peering out from behind cover to ensure the hit, he immediately received a bullet in the forehead from the agile soldier.
Just on account of Zaitsev 11 successful duels with German snipers, but the undisputed leader is the commander of the sniper company of the 81st guards rifle regiment Vasily Votes, which eliminated 70 German snipers. He distinguished himself in fights gunmen and the best Soviet sniper among women LyudmilaLa Pavlichenko, who managed to shoot 36 German colleagues on sniper shop.
Taras Repin
© Russian Seven
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