History 28/02/20 Why Korean was called to the front during the great Patriotic war
the most that could count the Soviet Koreans during the great Patriotic war, is admitted to the labor army. To the front of the representatives of this ethnic group did not take. This circumstance was due to the distrust of the USSR government to the Koreans, and completely unfounded.
the Deportation of Koreans and its cause
In the Soviet Union total deportation was subjected to dozens of peoples who lived on the territory of the country: the Germans, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, and Crimean Tatars, and Meskhetian Turks. In the category of those who were subject to deportation, were Koreans. According to Peter Frolov in his memoirs, “the Revelation of the executioner from the Lubyanka. Bloody mystery of 1937” in 1937 more than 170 thousand ethnic Koreans were deported from the border regions of the Far East to Central Asia. This event was carried out on the basis of the Decision of the CPC and the CPSU(b) № 1428-326 “About the eviction of Korean population from the border areas of the far Eastern Krai” signed by Stalin.
As the authors of the publication “the population Losses of the USSR in 1937-1945: scale and forms,” Kropachev S. A. and jug EF, according to the official version, such measures were associated with the need to “prevent the penetration of Japanese espionage into the far Eastern Krai”. But in fact, the Japanese and Koreans were the antagonists. That is why at the time, and moved into the Russian Empire. Moreover, in the 1930-ies Japan perceived Koreans as ardent supporters of the Soviet regime and she sought to keep their distance, sending inland or on the island.
for the Army of “unreliable” people
However, the Koreans were among the so-called “unreliable” peoples. As writes the edition “Peoples of the Caucasus in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945” the historian andRivest Hajikurbanov of Karaganov, despite his loyalty to the Soviet Union, hard-working and law-abiding, the Koreans failed to win the confidence of the Stalinist regime. Therefore, representatives of the Korean ethnic group in the USSR (from the number of deportees) were not drafted into the Red Army and even took to the front after the Great Patriotic war.
according to Yevgeny Tolstoy on the pages of his book “Beria”, the Koreans, like Germans, Turks, and representatives of many other nationalities, were instructed to send only workers in the column. The words Thick and confirm Boris Kim and sagymbay Kozybaev, the authors of the publication “the Good name of the people: a chronicle of the “punishment” of the people”. Kim and Kozybaev write that Korean youth were taken only in the labor army, which, according to historian N. A. Morozov, was a paramilitary form of labor of certain categories of Soviet citizens, and, in fact, the variety of labour settlements. The army consisted of Stroimaterialy, labor columns, special construction and mounting parts of the camp.
the Rehabilitation of its own and the state
And yet, among Koreans, there were those who, overcome all inhibitions, broke to the front. At least so say the authors of the publication “They fought for the Motherland: the representatives of the repressed peoples of the USSR in the great Patriotic war” Achieva and S. I. N. F. Bull. Most often, the Koreans managed to get into the ranks of the red Army by deception: they were the employees of military enlistment offices as the Kazakhs or Uzbeks. As a vivid example of veteran Korean Achieva and bull lead story Alexander Mine, the only Korean who during the war were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1944, the captain of Mines died a heroic death in the battle for the Ukrainian Volyn.
As stated in the publication “inter-Ethnic relations in the USSR and the Russian Federation” (Mr Cai), the process of rehabilitation of Koreans began only 9 years after the death of Alexander the Mine. In 1953 the decree of the PresidentYuma of the Supreme Soviet Koreans had lifted restrictions on free movement in the country. Gradually, the Koreans returned and all other rights. However, only in 1993, according to Mikhail Kamensky in his book “Koreans in the Perm Krai”, was adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation “On the rehabilitation of Russian Koreans”, which is already at the official level was found to be illegal acts of 1937. The document also noted that the Koreans were persecuted for political reasons and in connection with their national identity.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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