History 11/03/20 Why Khrushchev was against pogon in the Soviet army
Nikita Khrushchev became famous as a leader, prone to extravagant actions: this well-known trick with the Shoe, and the desire of all corn planted, and the so-called second dispossession, forced the peasants to abandon farmlands, and insults to the avant-garde artists. But not everyone knows that among the projects of the Nikita Khrushchev was to undo the shoulder straps in the army.
Why it took this measure after almost twenty years after the end of world war II? To answer this question, you should start from afar, from 1917.
How to cancel the “Royal” shoulder straps
After the October revolution in the army of Soviet Russia epaulettes were abolished along with officer ranks. No lieutenants, captains, majors and other “wallagaraugh” the red Army was not necessary, in their place came the commanders, brigade commanders, division commanders, army commanders. However, to accuse the Bolsheviks in the destruction of military traditions should not be. The beginning of the collapse of the Russian army put the famous order No. 1, dated March 1, 1917, adopted by the Council of workers ‘and soldiers’ deputies. Under this order in all military units the power of the officers were transferred to elected committees and the Council of workers ‘and soldiers’ deputies. The officers were so discriminated against that they even weapons could only issue upon decision of the Committee. It is in the military while in the situation of the army! Thus the rejection of the shoulder straps and military ranks of the Bolsheviks, merely completed the work begun by the Provisional government.
As the Red Army regained the straps
This situation lasted until the great Patriotic war. In 1941, the Red Army met without shoulder straps. Reform came in the midst of the war, in 1943, soon after the defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad. Met she was different. The majority of military and Narod reacted to the appearance of the shoulder straps positively, since the idea has long been hovering in the air. For the first time about the return of the shoulder straps began in 1941. To 1942-mu already had a description of the shoulder straps and emblems on them. Just waiting for a serious victory on the wave which changes in the army and the status of the command structure would look convincing and appropriate. However, many of the army command reacted to the return of the shoulder straps without any enthusiasm: they fought in the Civil and knew the hatred of the red army to the white guard “zolotopogonnyh”. However, the return of epaulets in the Red Army was a logical and deliberate step towards the restoration of the continuity and maintaining tradition. Even before the war in Soviet society, beginning to cultivate an interest in Russian history, its glorious generals, on the screens out historical films. Stalin understood that the pride for the glorious acts of their ancestors is a great ideological resource and skillfully used them.
unrealized idea
All the activities of Khrushchev since the famous XX Congress was directed to the de-Stalinization of the country and return to the only true Leninist platform. And not the last place in the de-Stalinization took the need to give the Soviet army the original “worker-peasant” traits – then straps away.
to better understand the motives of Nikita Khrushchev in his quest to return to its pre-Stalin army view, you need to recall the fact that he was called in the worker-peasant Red Army in 1918 and served as political Commissar of one of the units of the 9th army of the southern front. Way of fighting, the 9th army was pretty dramatic. After heavy fighting in the don her retreating part joined the squad Kliment Voroshilov, which brought them under Tsaritsyn, whose defense was commanded by Stalin himself. Khrushchev, though he was not, apparently, as a political leader a direct participant in hostilities, yet have seen and the intensity of ideological class struggle against the whites, and the heroics of the red army, which managed perfectly well without shoulder straps.
And finally, another important fact. In his youth Khrushchev, by his own admission, was a staunch Trotskyist, a supporter of the world proletarian revolution, opponent of the policies of the NEP and Stalin’s Imperial ambitions. Of course, later on, Nikita Sergeyevich had to abandon the ideals of his youth, and very successfully integrated into the system created by Stalin. However, once in power, he could not try to erase from the army, everything that reminded him of Stalin, and at least outwardly make her look like the red army of his youth, which was once created by Trotsky.
However, Khrushchev began with epaulet civil departments. In the early 50-ies he canceled the insignia of the railroad, then diplomats. In November of 1962, has gowalla the resolution of Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1054-448 “On the harmonization of military uniforms”. The shoulder straps were instructed to cancel, and instead to enter buttonhole. They were supposed to represent diamonds on the collar. It was also planned to repeal the military rank “Lieutenant”, and sprockets to do the same for both Junior and senior officers.
the Military these innovations are not very liked in the army began in every way to delay the implementation of this plan. In 1964 Khrushchev was removed from office, and the idea to abandon the shoulder straps and has remained unsold.
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