escape and Migration affect the body and Psyche. What are the consequences of it are, exactly? How is organized the help in Europe and what must change? For the first time, a report by the Europe is a regional office of the world health organization WHO, published this Monday, systematically, the question of how it is to the health of migrants and Refugees in Europe. We have summarised the main findings of the report.

All of the questions in the Overview: Why is the topic important? How was the report produced? Migrants are healthier than the people in the countries in which they arrive? How well the migrants will be helped? What needs to be different? Why is the topic important?

migrants. This corresponds to 90.7 million people and more than a third of the migrants in the world. The, published today, the WHO Report is the first that promises to deliver a comprehensive view of your health. And something else plays a role: dealing with migrants is becoming a political issue. While it is necessary to talk about migration policy, border security, and causes of flight combat, it contradicts human rights, to migrants, to political bankruptcy. Refugees and migrants also have a right to health as people who have left their home country never.

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How was the report produced?

For the Report were analyzed to 13,000 documents of the member countries, as well as numerous scientific papers. Problems for the field of research were: The assessment of the health of migrants there is a lack of global Standards and indicators, to be able to compare – and, more generally, of data. Many of the WHO-Euro countries do not collect information about the health condition of the migrants and Refugees who live in them. That people are not often in one place for long, making it difficult for data over a longer period of time to gather.

One Problem is the terms ready also. Because there is, according to the report, no internationally applicable definitions of “Migrant”. Simply put, we understand that all people moving within a country or across borders permanently. Clearly, the term is defined as “Fugitive” as a person who flees from fear of war or persecution from a country in which he may for the time being to return.

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migrants are healthier than the people in the countries in which they arrive?

This is not quite easy to answer, because it depends on various factors. To name some: How healthy are migrants, depends on where they come from and how you get to your destination, whether about for months on the Balkan route, or with a visa by plane; migrants come from, migrants are often other ethnic groups, their genetic risk and the risk that they accumulate through the life-style and health care in their home countries for a variety of diseases, is therefore different than the people in the countries of destination; in addition, on average younger and thus tend to be healthier than the people in the countries in which they arrive.

Nevertheless, some basic differences can be observed:

children who migrate, are less likely to be vaccinated, because the escape is often in the Phase, you should have your vaccinations. In Germany, migrant children were vaccinated three times as often against measles as children, the life here already. Due to the sometimes poor vaccination rates registered in different countries in cases of diseases that are in this country rare. So were registered in twelve European countries, including Germany, between 2009 and 2014, a total of 142 diphtheria cases. Theoretically, says the report, is also a risk for the population of the countries in which the migrants arrived. Nevertheless, the majority of the WHO Euro countries, no specific vaccination programmes for Refugees, including Germany. But: The longer people stay, the more the vaccination rates at the same.The mortality rate of migrants is generally lower than that of the people, which dates back to the country. This is likely to have a lot to do with the age of the migrants. Looking at the mortality due to individual diseases, it is striking that migrants have died of rare cancer, accidents, intestinal diseases, and metabolic disorders such as Diabetes, but is more common in blood diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Infections they died, even two to four and a half times as often.
In EU countries account for a disproportionately large part of newly diagnosed cases of Tuberculosis – about one third – of people who were born in other countries. In Germany, the proportion is much higher, he is about three-quarters, even if the absolute number of new diagnoses, with nearly 5,500 is quite manageable (Robert Koch-Institut, 2018). If you look at the entire WHO-Euroregion, i.e. Russia, the Balkans and Eastern Europe, the effect as far as possible.Similar seems to apply to HIV. 40 percent of new cases in the EU is attributable to migrants. One of the problems is that migrant women tend to be diagnosed late, which the report criticized. This is bad for your health, because the later the therapy is begun, the more it has suffered the immune system of the Infected already. It is problematic, even for public health: Who is not treated, is often other with HIV.Refugees and asylum seekers often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The report refers, among other things, to an older meta-study reported that up to nine percent of the Refugees in Western countries were suffering from PTSD ten times as many as in the basic population (the Lancet: Fazel et al., 2005). It also shows that refugees, people that have particularly long to wait for an asylum decision, and under poor socio-economic conditions of life, more frequently anxiety disorders and depression to develop. That coincides largely with what is reported also from Germany. In this country, more than one in five Refugees is suffering perhaps under a mental illness.Particularly of mental health problems refugee skin are affected and unaccompanied refugee minors (European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: Belhadj et al., 2014). The latter are not traumatized, often, depressed and have an anxiety disorder, but are especially endangered, kidnapped, exploited and victims of human trafficking.The study authors point out that refugees are often during their escape, and even after the arrival of victims of sexual violence. This applies not only for women but also for children and men. Also the genital mutilation was an important issue. What we notice is that The longer immigrants live here, the more frequently the few that were are against the practice. Refugees 2017 On the run

68.5 million people, according to estimates of the refugee work of the United Nations (UNHCR) at the end of the year 2017 in the world on the run. 40 million of them are internally displaced persons, people who are within their country on the run. More than half of the refugees come from three countries: the Sudan, Afghanistan and Syria. Who has left his country, fled usually in a neighbouring country.

there were a Total of 2017 3.1 million asylum seekers, of which around 430,000 in Germany, as the statistics of the UNHCR.


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