History 15/03/20 Which countries almost became republics of the USSR
As you know, at the time of his death, the Soviet Union consisted of fifteen republics. However, the territory of the Soviet state could be much higher.
I Must say that part of Finland in the Karelian-Finnish SSR was one of the republics of the Soviet Union from 31 March 1940 to 16 July 1956. This Federal Republic was created after the Soviet troops at the end of 1939 occupied the Finnish part of the territory.
Joseph Stalin planned over time to build on this success and to attach to the Soviet Union for Finland, but history has made adjustments. In 1956, the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev downgraded the status of the Karelo-Finnish Soviet socialist Republic to an Autonomous Republic and was removed from the name of the word “Finnish”. So was born the Karelian ASSR, which we now know as the Republic of Karelia.
unlike Finland Bulgaria voluntarily tried to join the Soviet Union. The initiative on the country’s accession to the Soviet Union proceeded from the then Bulgarian leader Todor Zhivkov of Christ. Moreover, Bulgaria was the only Eastern European country that not only was negotiating, probing the possibility of joining the USSR, and several times have filed a formal application for such a Union. The first time the head of Bulgaria appealed to the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1963, during a visit to Moscow. However, Khrushchev joked in his characteristic manner: in response said the following: “yeah, shifty, you want us at our expense and pay your reparations to the Greeks? We have no dollars! If you have – pay yourself!” It was about reparations following the Second world war in which Bulgaria fought on the side of Hitler. A second attempt Todor Zhivkov undertook in the early 1970s, when the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party was already Leonid Brezhnev. But here, according to legend, he narwalsI’m in on the joke. Supposedly Leonid Ilyich snapped: “chicken – not a bird, Bulgaria – not abroad”.
Few people know that Mongolia has become after the Soviet Russia the second official socialist state on the planet – already in 1921. Until the sunset of the USSR it was perceived as the unofficial “sixteenth Republic”. But why Mongolia has not been issued an “official marriage”?
In the 1920s the Soviet leadership didn’t do it for geopolitical reasons: Mongolia has left as a buffer state in the event of a conflict with China or Japan. And after the Second world war this country was not included in the USSR, in order not to irritate people’s Republic of China. In 1990, when the Soviet Union had already lost its former influence, the Mongolian government officially announced the termination of the construction of socialism. Thus ended the “civil marriage” of the two countries.
August 25, 1941, in the midst of the German occupation of the USSR, Soviet and British troops started a joint military action in Iran under the code name “Operation “Consent”” (eng. Operation Countenance). In fact, military action was initiated by Joseph Stalin, who feared the very germanophile moods of Shah Reza Pahlavi, and the possibility of the admission of Nazi Germany to the Iranian oil.
the result of the operation there was a change of monarchs, and the Germans never got control of strategic raw materials.
after the Second world war, Stalin tried to expand Soviet influence in the country. The Soviet leadership demanded that Iran allow the USSR to develop oil in the Northern part of the state. In fact, this was the main condition for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Iran. The agreement was signed by the Iranian government in 1946. The USSR withdrew, but the Majlis (Parliament) never ratified the Treaty.
during this period, Stalin considered the possibility of occupation of Iran’s possible inclusion in the Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union. But in the endMr. bill, the “great helmsman” has not taken this step in order not to spoil relations with Britain and the United States.
Territorial claims to Turkey the Soviet Union presented at the end of the war. The Soviet leadership planned to punish this state for the cooperation with Nazi Germany to Annex the territory that once belonged to the Russian Empire.
the establishment of the Turkish Union of Socialist Republic was not even considered: the occupied land just had to be split between the Georgian SSR and the Armenian SSR. However, the plans of the Soviet Union provoked a strong rebuff from the United States and great Britain, and the Soviet leadership declared its rejection of territorial claims in 1953, immediately after Stalin’s death.
Relations with Poland, a former part of Russian Empire, did not work out of the Bolsheviks, almost immediately after the seizure of power in Russia. In 1919 the Soviet-Polish war of 1919, which continued until 1921. Soviet Russia was planning to regain control over the Western provinces of the former Russian Empire (Ukraine and Belarus).
That was the plan minimum for the red army. The ideal outcome of the war, the Bolsheviks considered the establishment of Soviet power throughout Poland and further “export” of the socialist revolution in Western Europe. If Lenin and Trotsky ultimately failed to implement the plan at least until the end, for them, in 1939, did Stalin annexing the former Western provinces of Czarist Russia to the Soviet Union. Was Joseph Stalin the plan maximum, remains unknown.
In the period 1918-1919 year in many countries of Europe due to armed revolts, inspired by the example of the October revolution, was formed and almost immediately liquidated the self-proclaimed state with exotic names: the Bavarian Soviet Republic Hungarian Soviet Republic, Slovak Soviet Republic, the Alsace Soviet Republic, the Bremen Soviet Republic, sovetscue Limerick.
the longest to live was only the Hungarian Soviet Republic, which lasted 133 days. After the seizure of power by the Hungarian Communists counted on the Alliance with Soviet Russia, but that because of the Civil war could do nothing to help. As a result, the army of the Kingdom of Romania in August 1919, ended with the Hungarian experiment. However, for long.
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