Where planned to leave Churchill in the case of the invasion of England by Hitler

History 28/02/20 Where planned to leave Churchill in the case of the invasion of England by Hitler

in the Summer of 1940 before the “mistress of the seas” faces a real threat of being conquered by the enemy. The English army suffered a severe defeat in France. Most of the military personnel managed to save, but the banks had to give up all weapons and equipment. To replenish these losses, the English industry would be gone for months. Allies in Europe from England left. In the ocean prowled by German submarines prevented the delivery to the British Isles of necessary products from the colonies.

the stranglehold of the English bulldog

may 10, 1940, the Cabinet of Neville Chamberlain who was blamed for the indecisive conduct of the war, was forced to resign. The last straw that broke the patience of the parliamentarians, was the capture by the Germans Norway, which England has not had a decent resistance. The new Prime Minister Winston Churchill, a former Minister in the First world war, formed a coalition government with representatives from all parties willing to support the war against Hitler to complete victory.

on 13 may, Churchill spoke in the House of Commons with a speech in which he resolved to continue the war until complete and final victory. “I can’t offer anything – he said, – but blood, work, tears and sweat… you will Not be able to survive the British Empire will perish all that for which it existed, everything that for centuries defended the humanity.”

the Change of the British government coincided with the beginning of the German offensive ended with the defeat and conquest of France. The war Cabinet Churchill organized the evacuation of the British army from the mainland in the town of Dunkirk, which ended successfully, although the Prime Minister himself was fully aware of the incident. “We need to be very careful that he said in Parliament on 4 June, to assign to this deliverance the attributes of victory. The evacuations don’t win wars.”

July 19, 1940, Hitler made a speech in the Reichstag, which was to produce ruling circles of Britain the impression of the readiness of Germany to make peace without encroaching on the possessions of the British Empire. “I don’t see why that would be forced to continue this war,” – said the Chancellor. If he hoped to persuade the British to an agreement, reached just the opposite effect.

Hope to help US

Question about the seriousness of Hitler to land ground troops on the coast of England and occupy it still remains a subject of debate. However, in England the danger was considered quite real. Churchill did everything possible to produce not only compatriots, but also worldwide impression that the war Cabinet will not lay down arms even if England occupied by the Germans.

31 may 1940, at a meeting in Paris with members of the governments and officials of the military command of France, Churchill said “the British government is ready to wage war from the New world, if as a result of a disaster England will be devastated.”

Churchill made repeated attempts to persuade the government of the United States, keep neutrality to a more significant support of England. June 3, 1940, President Roosevelt approved the list of priority military supplies to England, which meant half a million rifles, 900 artillery guns of medium caliber, 80 thousand machine guns, millions of shells and a billion bullets, etc., In further assistance of the United States of England was growing, until the transfer of the ships of the Navy. For that, Churchill gave the US for 50 years, the naval base at Bermuda and the West Indies.

the Possibility of evacuation to Canada

U.S. Aid has become the main hope of Churchill to continue the war. Another potential resource was the conflict between Stalin and Hitler, to which the British Cabinet have made every effort. But the main resource was, of course, the presence of England’s huge overseasx lands.

Although 16 Jun 1940 in a letter to the Prime Ministers of the British dominions – Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and Churchill had assured that he hoped “that the enemy’s troops which can be dropped or planted in the sea RAID, will be destroyed”, however, admitted the possibility of capture by the Germans the British Isles. In this case, wrote to the Prime Minister, “we will always be able… to send our fleets over the ocean, where they will protect the Empire and enable it to continue the war and the blockade, as I hope, together with the United States – until Hitler’s regime would collapse from the strain.” About the same term Churchill said in the house of Commons.

so, admitting the probability of full occupation of the British Isles by German troops, Churchill – in his words – intended to continue the war, relying on the resources of the British colonies and dominions, and with the support of the United States. He was trying to show that he views the war not as a purely Anglo-German, but as a war of democracies against Nazi tyranny.

the Prospect of surrender

is There evidence that the British war Cabinet is really preparing for the evacuation of England gold reserves, cultural values, treasures of the British crown, the Royal family, diplomatic missions – in case of a possible occupation of the country by the Nazis? Evidence of the same order as the relocation of the Soviet government and foreign diplomatic missions from Moscow to Kuybyshev in the autumn of 1941 showed Stalin’s intention to continue the war to victory after the fall of Moscow?

With the gold reserves all true. His first shipment was sent to Canada in October 1939, the cruiser “emerald”. After the defeat of France, 24 June 1940, “emerald” was published in a new voyage with a cargo of the deposits, not only the Bank of England, and all private banks of the United Kingdom. On 2 July he arrived safely in Halifax in Canada. In the following days from UK to Canada, arrived five ships with pricesNYM cargo. Together with British gold and securities was taken of the value of German-occupied countries (Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands) and stored in England, and sequestered by UK deposits of Germany and its allies, France and the Soviet Union.

However, evidence of other operations in preparation for the forced abandonment of the British Isles is not available. English historian David Reynolds of Cambridge University cites a compelling argument in favor of the fact that, despite the strong tone of the statements of Churchill, he would have gone on the conclusion of peace with Hitler in case of real threat to the successful landing of the Wehrmacht on the coast of England.

Yaroslav Butakov

© Russian Seven

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