Emmanuelle Wargon, new secretary of State for ecology, was there a few months ago, the apology of the palm oil. She explained that it was ” the best ingredient for infant formula “. The lobbyist was acting in the capacity of director of communications and public affairs at Danone, within the framework of the economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence. An event where you find the great ones of this world : Prime minister Edward Philip was involved in it, as Emmanuel Macron in 2015.

Read also Emmanuelle Wargon, a lobbyist for the Ecology

The former senior official also spoke of the “mistrust” caused by the palm oil, ” both for environmental reasons, due to the havoc it can cause in some parts of South-East asia, and also for a form of distrust, lack of naturalness “. This statement was relayed by several media outlets as well as on Twitter by Yannick Jadot, the head of the list EELV for the european, and Benoît Hamon, the founder of the movement Generation·s.

On the same topic Emmanuelle Wargon, a lobbyist with the Ecology


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