History 24/03/20 What would be Russia without the Bolshevik revolution,
October 1917 was a landmark turning point in the history of Russia. According to some, it was an unnatural scenario, others call it a natural result of the degradation of power. But what could become of our country without a coup?
If not…
the winner of the Nobel prize for literature Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: “October — short, rough, local military coup plan. Our revolution roam from month to month of the 17th year — quite spontaneously, and then the civil war and a million of the same KGB terror.”
Some researchers suggest that if it just managed to stop a rampant element of the revolution that would have preserved not only the Empire, but also all its cultural and religious characteristics, as well as economic achievements. It would not be shameful Brest Treaty signed by the Bolsheviks, and our country would enter in the number of States winners, with all the ensuing geopolitical acquisitions.
Another group of experts is convinced that the Bolsheviks were the only force capable of stopping a rolling in the deep country. Following the revolution, civil war, turmoil, terror and destruction was a necessary sacrifice to achieve the cherished goal of a welfare state of equality and justice. The preservation of the former government, in their opinion, will inevitably lead to the disintegration of the country.
until the October revolution on the fronts of the First world remained albeit heavy, but still giving hopes for a breakthrough situation. Yes, in the Russian army, few wanted to fight, but the strength of the German troops were exhausted. If we could stop the propaganda work of the left, which was a high percentage of desertion, by the autumn of 1917 the Russian army could resume the offensive and by the end of the year, together with allies to compel the Chapteracii agonizing revolutionary convulsions in Germany.
Thanks to the victory Russia was able to keep Ukraine, Belarus, the Transcaucasian Republic, and even increase their territory because of the separation of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires. While Poland and Finland after some time could well become the Russian dominions. Not less successful the outcome of the war would have waited for our country in the South. Russia, finally, would have embodied in his life long dream and had taken possession of Constantinople. The further course of events is not difficult to predict: Constantinople goes to Greece, and the Russian Empire gains control over the Straits.
the Director Istoriko-archival Institute Alexander Bezborodov expressed a different point of view. He believes that had it not been for the revolution, the Russian Empire would disintegrate into several small parts. “And then the process would be deepened. It would split the country like feudal era, which our country was going through when she had nothing left, and she became an easy prey for you know who,” – concludes the historian.
And if you look even further into the future in which our country does not exist in the socialist and in the capitalist form. How would this affect relations with Nazi Germany? Perhaps the Russian government did not help to forge the Reichswehr, and would not go to conciliation with Hitler, as did the Soviet power. From the aggressive appetites of the Fuhrer is unlikely to be refused, but likely the war would have acquired other terms, the scale would have a different scenario.
Supreme power
the Monarchy in Russia in 1917 seriously discredited, however, by excluding from the history of the Bolsheviks, you can prevent the saving of the title, including Nicholas II, who eventually became the symbol of victory. His dream is a constitutional monarchy, however, in military circles they hatched a plan to restore unlimited autocracy, against which Nicholas denied.
One of the scenarios: king lays out the powers of the “owner of land RussianOh,” and passes the throne to Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who was then in a catastrophe just afraid to take on this responsibility. Another contender for the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, but his disease is unlikely to be allowed to occupy the highest post for a long time. Regardless of how common the events of the early XX century with the Turmoil of the turn of XVI-XVII centuries, our ancestors could once again be witnessing the emergence of a new ruling dynasty.
thus it is necessary to mention that the option to save the monarchy would be realistic if it would be possible to prevent the February revolution, and to drive deep into the underground of the liberal party. After all, since February is almost gone political forces who supported the king. And after the abdication of Nicholas II, this process is already impossible to reverse. And then what? Replaced the incompetent Provisional government would come to a different form of government – it is possible that a parliamentary Republic headed by a President.
But is it possible to talk about the prospects of democracy in Russia postmenarcheal? History of three European countries – Germany, Spain and Italy shows that the Republic in the first third of the XX century were extremely volatile, their story ended in the dictatorship of Hitler, Franco, Mussolini. It is unlikely Russia would have been able to go the other way instead of the left Bolshevik dictatorship, she would get a dictatorship of the right – national-Patriotic. Otherwise the country could fall apart.
Domestic policy
Even if this could put an end to Bolshevism in Russia would still remained the danger of the existence of radical left movements. With strong political will, Russia would have become, if not a police state, in a country with a rigid vertical of power, which would be subject to legislative, judicial and Executive organs.
a Parliamentary system is likely to be preserved in its original form, however, in order not to destabilize the situation in the country, the Duma would have to stop sectarian war and unite to achieve the objectives set by the government and head of state. One of these tasks would be the intention to bring the country among the world economic leaders.
Gaining in Russia from the beginning of XX century the power of capitalism has created a new social system, is not focused on social justice. Money, power and a decent life were those who learned to exploit the less fortunate fellow citizens. In these circumstances, a strong position would have received the party of the socialist persuasion, and the Russian capital, in order to avoid shocks, you would have to listen to them.
the First time Russia’s economy would remain predominantly agricultural. Given that in the early XX century, the Russian share of world exports of agricultural products reached 40%, it would be a sin not to strengthen its position in this sector of the economy.
In the case of the status of the victorious countries in the First world war, Russia would receive its share of reparations from defeated Germany that would allow it to invest more in industrialization. But challenges still abound: it’s the peasant and the worker question, moreover, the radical economic reforms needed enormous costs and a large influx of workers. Would Russia to mobilize, as it did the USSR? Obviously Yes, however, the emphasis was made not on internal resources and external borrowings.
In this case the Russian economy would be more dependent on the world market, and nobody knows what would we have said the economic crisis gripping almost all the capitalist countries in the late 1920-ies. It is not excluded that the authorities would be unable to cope with rising unemployment and falling living standards. And then quite likely delayed the scenario of October 1917.
on the eve of the October revolution, the country went through a serious religious crisis is largely due to the anti-clerical campaign of the Bolsheviks. However, the impact on the status of the Russian Church was struck and the Interim government, equating Christianity with other religions and take away owned by the Church, educational institutions. Tips secularized Church property and abolished the state status of Orthodoxy already in the prepared soil.
Only in case of preservation of the monarchy, the Russian Orthodox Church could remain in its previous state. If Russia came the Republican era, the consequences for the Church could be very unpredictable. It is unlikely that the clergy would face persecution, but religious freedom would have led to another Church split, creating a number of sects, persuasions and sects.
In case of defeat of Bolshevism in Russia, the world and our relationship with him would be a completely different scenario. It would not be the proletarian revolutions that changed the political system of China, Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam, there would be no cold war, for decades to oppose the socialist East and the capitalist West, there would be no Communist movements, which are still popular in developed countries.
most Likely, Russia would not have lost millions of its citizens who immigrated after the revolution abroad. Using this scientific and cultural potential, our country could become the world’s undisputed leader not only in rocket science and ballet, but also in other industries, including high technology. It is not excluded that the American dollar, who have profited from the two world wars, would not be the main reserve currency of the world is a place of honor would be reserved ruble.
Russian Seven
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Featured articles Share: Comments (1) Comments on the article “What would be Russia without the Bolshevik revolution,” 24.03.2020 in 08:52 Alexander Oleshkevich writes:
afftor teach materiel! All these “if” Yes, “if” you do not have the slightest real basis, but only wet dreams afftor!
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