History 03/03/20 what money the Stalin armed the army before world
Over the long history of our country the attitude of the authorities towards the production of alcohol has changed from active promotion of drinking before the introduction of strict prohibition. In the post-revolutionary years, drunkenness has become so widespread that it took large-scale anti-alcohol campaign, abolished by Stalin only in 1930.
the Drinking bout!
In pre-revolutionary Russia temperance societies appeared spontaneously. Their creation is usually initiated by peasants and workers. However, the tsarist government, which had from the sale of alcohol and licenses for the opening of drinking establishments a substantial income, gave them to the organizers to court. The situation changed during the First world war, when the country had introduced prohibition. Came to power, the Bolsheviks continued the policy of eliminating domestic drinking in the country. November 8, 1917 (old style) the new government has banned the production and sale of alcohol. Of considerable importance in making this decision was the fact that the sharply negative attitude of Vladimir Lenin a non-drinker to alcoholic beverages.It is symbolic that the abolition of “prohibition” occurred shortly after the death of Lenin in 1925. However, the state course on a sober way of life continued.
In the country in 1928 appeared “Russian society for the suppression of alcoholism.” A significant role in its Foundation was played by commander S. M. Budyonny, the Creator of the system of health of the USSR N.And. Semashko and famous poet Demyan Bedny. Not remained aloof from the struggle with alcoholism and Stalin, who in 1926 initiated the adoption of the decree “About upcoming events in the field of medical-coercive and cultural-educational work in the fight against alcoholism”. The alcohol got under the press of the state machine. Was limited sale of alcoholic beverages on holidays and NARBOChiyo days. They would not let minors and persons intoxicated. In 1928, the Criminal code, an article appeared in moonshine, and in the winter of that year in the country opened the first pay detox. For the presence in it of drunken citizens were obliged to pay at the time a tidy sum. Ordinary workers 24 hours of stay in the detox paid 2 rubles and Nepmen and the employees of creative professions – 5 rubles. These measures gave excellent results – in cities across the country, the consumption of strong alcohol by the end of 1920-ies decreased by 25-40%.
In anticipation of war
Everything changed literally in one day in the autumn of 1930. The country urgently needed money for rearmament and preparation for the coming war, the inevitability of which doubt the leadership of the country was not. In addition, in all was the industrialization of the country, which also cost enormous money. In this situation Stalin very opportunely remembered that large funds for replenishment of the budget of the tsarist Russia received from the sale of alcohol, alcoholic beverages and the licensing (payoffs) for the organization of drinking establishments. The policy of the state in relation to the use of alcohol immediately made a sharp zigzag. September 1, 1930 received a note addressed to the Chairman of people’s Commissars V. M. Molotov from I. V. Stalin with a proposal to increase the sales of vodka produced by the state monopoly, to obtain funds for rearmament and other needs of the country. Anti-alcohol propaganda was instantly curtailed.
All of the “Society for combating alcoholism” combined with the “Union of atheists” and the society “Down with illiteracy”, giving the new structure a harmless title “For healthy life”. Were closed many Newspapers and magazines aimed at eradicating domestic drinking. On the contrary, in medical journals were published that moderate drinking is good for health. The sale of spirits turned everywhere, it was not released tonly in pubs and restaurants, but also in the canteens of institutions and enterprises. In movies and plays there were scenes in which a positive main characters at the time of making important decisions was applied to the glass of vodka. At the same time, in 1932, was fixed contributions to the state budget in the amount of 50 kopecks per decilitre of alcohol. According to statistics, only in 1932, the profit from the sale of vodka amounted to 5 billion rubles of tax revenues, which was equal to 17% of all revenues. The leadership of the country was pretty, the state Treasury was replenished. However, the authorities did not understand what let the Genie out of the bottle, to drive back which will not be easy.
Dmitry Sokolov
© Russian Seven
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