History 04/03/20 What has Russia gained victory over Prussia in the Seven years war
Seven years war (1756-1763) justly be considered the second World war of the eighteenth century (first war of the “Spanish succession” 1701-1714). Her hostilities were in all the then known parts of the world and oceans. It involved all the major Christian powers of the time.
On the side of France and Austria against England and Prussia
the Main opponents in the Seven years war was England and France who fought for the colonies in Asia and America, and for spheres of influence in Europe. Other European powers in pursuit of their interests, became allies of one or another country. Russia, together with Austria, opposed the coalition led by Britain. Their immediate enemy was Prussia.
Many Russian historians and writers, speaking of the Seven years ‘ war, saying that Russia is essentially broke Prussia. The reason for this is they are the victory of the Russian army in the battles of gross-Egersdorf and Kunersdorf, temporary occupation of its Berlin, the capture of the fortress of colberg, four-year occupation of East Prussia. Only treacherous policy came to the throne on the eve of 1762, Peter III, who signed with the Prussian king Friedrich II the world in which he gave up all Russian conquests in Prussia, prevented Russia to benefit from these glorious victories.
But we must not forget that this war was a coalition. In the end, England won a victory over an ally of Russia – France. And if Russia is in the losing coalition by the time of conclusion of General peace, she will likely also have had to part with the acquisitions made during the war. In addition, a prisoner of Peter III of Prussia on April 24, 1762 the St. Petersburg Treaty of peace was answered, apparently, in the interests of the Russian elite, as it was not then terminated by Catherine the great overthrew her husband.
and the victories of Russia in the war is not so simple as is usually presented.
the Successes interspersed with setbacks
In the battle of gross-Egersdorf in East Prussia on 19 August 1757 Russian troops really knocked the Prussians. However, it should be taken into account that the Russian army is then faced only with the part of the forces of the Prussian army, and is not important. The Russians had twice the troops: 57 thousand against 22 thousand. The losses of the Russian army was one and a half times higher than that of the Prussians: 6000 vs 4000. This kind of victory is usually called Provimi.
14 Aug 1758 in Zorndorf in Brandenburg there was a battle in which Frederick II, acting with less (33 thousand to 42 thousand) severely defeated the Russian army, General-in-chief V. V. Fermor. The Prussians lost 10 thousand, our – 19.5 thousand In the famous battle near Kunersdorf on 1 August 1759, where the Prussians were defeated, the Russians did not act alone, but together with the Austrians. Finally, the famous “the capture of Berlin in 1760,” had the character of cavalry attacks had not set itself the strategic goal and did not bring strategic benefits. Russian (again with the Austrians, what we usually also silent) took a small detachment 28 Sep 1760 Berlin, which Frederick the maneuvering, temporarily left insufficiently protected. But on 2 October, found out about the approach of the king of Prussia with fresh troops, the allies get out of Berlin.
Again, we should not forget that the war was a coalition. The failure of the allies negatively affected the situation of the Russian army. October 23 (November 3 new style), 1760, Frederick defeated the Austrian army at the battle of Torgau. After that, the position of the Russian army in Brandenburg became futile, even dangerous. Although in December 1761, Russian forces captured the fortress of colberg in Pomerania (by the way, this was the third assault; the previous two in 1758 and 1760, he ended with the defeat of the Russian troops) it was a private success in the secondary direction. Prussia survived. It also coincided with the decisive victory of England over France in North America and India.
was it Possible to hold East Prussia
Russia’s ruling spheres had no plans for the annexation of Eastern Prussia. Although this land four years (1758-1762) ruled as a military General of Russia, and its inhabitants even took the oath of allegiance to the Russian crown, but this provision was regarded in Petersburg as a temporary. In the reign of Elizabeth it was assumed that the retention of East Prussia would be a good pledge for agreement of the final world. It was planned that at its conclusion, East Prussia be returned to Brandenburg house in exchange for his assistance in the accession of Russia to Courland, and Lithuania the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Indeed, in the period of East Prussia had no land corridor to Russia, being separated from her Baltic territories of Poland.
However, Peter III, on the basis of their considerations, they would exchange left and just returned to East Prussia Friedrich. However, the maximum objective, becoming the St. Petersburg Cabinet in the reign of Elizabeth, was published two decades later, Catherine II. During the second (1793) and third (1795) partitions of Commonwealth, undertaken with the support of Prussia, Russia has received the required parts of the Baltic States.
I Have to agree with those few historians who writes that in the Seven years ‘ war, Russia was not a genuine geopolitical objectives, its interests with those of Prussia and England, nowhere really did not face, Russian blood spilled for the interests of others (in particular, France, which the whole XVIII century led a policy hostile to Russia, and Austria, which fought with Prussia for hegemony in Germany). Individual victory in the Seven years war glorified Russian weapons, but to put these partial successes in some specific conquest of Russia at that time was not possible. What did Peter III, I had to make anote before, and it would be better not to get involved in this absolutely extraneous for war on Russia.
Yaroslav Butakov
© Russian Seven
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