History 11/03/20 What happened to the children of Beria after the shooting of their father
being the offspring of big boss – comfortable and dangerous at the same time. Well while dad was in the Zenith and Olympus, and extremely painful when it from this Olympus itself released. It often happens that children are paying the price for the failures of the career of influential parents. Oddly enough, the descendants of Beriah were able somehow to circumvent this rule. That’s just what it cost them!..
Why the shooting of Beria had affected his children?
Lavrentiy Beria which only high-status regalia had. Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, six-time commander of the Order of Lenin, twice winner of the Stalin prize, much more. In July 1953, was one day deprived of all honors, ranks and positions. And 23 December 1953, the day of a conviction, executed. The legendary “KGB officer” has not converged character with new First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev.
Splinters flew in full: in the security organs began rearranging and “cleaning”. The idea is that under the “threshing” had to please the family of the chief of Stalin’s ally. So it partly came out, however the professional value of the children of the Commissar in the end took precedence over political squabbles and merrymaking.
the son of Lavrenty Pavlovich also stripped of all titles, positions and how at first it seemed good. He was not lucky enough to visit opal – though quite a short time. Later his career turned out pretty well, though not flawlessly. And the supposed illegitimate daughter of the chief of Stalin’s Commissar of state security quietly worked himself in the field of computer science and engineering. Of any subsequent facts of pressure on the children of the former people’s Commissar of the terrible unknown.
But how smoothly everything flowed really?
Son and daughter
let’s Start with Beria’s son: information about him is much more.
Sergo Beria Lavrent’evich 24 Nov 1924 in Tiflis, Georgian SSR, now it’s the Georgian capital city Tbilisi. Then another future star father was far up the heights, which he reached after a while: Lawrence p. was just beginning to get “to the top”, though not without difficulties. However, when Sergo was already a young man, his dad was the most powerful second in the country after Joseph Stalin. So before the young Beria at first wistles the red carpet.
In 1938, the family moved to Moscow, and in 1941 – immediately after high school No 175 – 16-year-old Sergo enrolled in the Central radio laboratory of the NKVD of the USSR. Then there was an intelligence – with execution of orders in Iranian Kurdistan and in the North-Caucasus group of forces. And in 1942, 17-year-old son of Lavrenty Pavlovich has been credited as much in the Leningrad military telecommunication Academy named after S. Budenny – then “lift”, lifting straight into the army command structure.
the Academy Sergo showed his best side, he was Executive savvy, with an ambulance at hand and by the end of the great Patriotic war he was a commander of the order of the red star and the medal “For defense of Caucasus”.
soon, However, Sergo the Lavrent’evich, apparently tired of paper and bureaucratic routine: I wanted something a little more exciting. Thus began his engineering and research work, and once in a managerial position. In 1947 he graduated from the Academy, brilliantly defended his diploma project on missiles “air-sea” and was recommended for the development of this project in practice.
8 Sep 1947 Sergei Lavrent’evich was appointed Deputy chief designer of SB No 1, the General-major Pavel Nikolayevich Kuksenko. At the same time in the same organization, the graduation project promising young man created the first Soviet anti-ship cruise missile. For this 23-year-old Sergo A. L. udostaivaetsya the Stalin prize. In 1948 at the age of 23 years – he defended his Ph. D. thesis and another four years later – doctor.
By 1950, SB No 1 converted to KB-1, and Beriah, Jr. becomes one of the main designers in the creation of anti-aircraft missile complex “Berkut”. But soon the career fails.
In July 1953 he along with his mother – Teymurazovna Nino Gegechkori – directed to one of the suburban villas. Soon followed by deprivation of all honors and awards, the arrest and until November 1954 Sergo A. L. was in Lefortovo prison. Then began the administrative link with a continuing ability to engage in scientific and technological activities. This feature of the repressed son of a people’s Commissar of state security used the full – and by 1964, distinguished himself so much that he was invited to work in Kiev, in the then state enterprise scientific research Institute “Kvant”. There he worked until 1988.
from 1990 To 1999 he held the post of Chief designer of the Kiev scientific research Institute “Kometa”. In the “dashing 90-e” Sergo A. L. engaged in the development of new materials for oil and gas pipelines and to fuel tanks. The talented engineer called to work abroad, but he could not imagine himself outside the country.
the Wife of Sergei Lavrent’evich was Martha M. Peshkov – the daughter of a Soviet classic of Maxim Gorky. The marriage produced daughter Nina and Hope, and a son, Sergey. Died son of Lavrenty Pavlovich 11 Oct 2000 and was buried at Baikove cemetery in Moscow.
Rumor has it that Stalin’s chief of the “KGB men” had an illegitimate daughter with the double name – Mar-eter. She de was born from the cohabitation with a certain Lala Drozdova. Unfortunately, information about the life of Martha of Etheria there is little she avoided publicity and, it seems, was even ashamed of the name of the glorious father. We only know that women work in the field of cybernetic developments and was in very good standing.
Children of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria sweat and blood was spared the worst POSsledstvii forced power “grinder”.
Ilya Pozhidaev
© Russian Seven
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