Another 12/03/20 What did the Germans with the family of Yuri Gagarin during the occupation
Sister and brother of Yuri Gagarin was in German captivity in February 1943. They were sent by train to work in Germany, but to the lair of the Nazis they got. In the Smolensk region, Soviet troops went on the offensive, so in the confusion, Zoe and Valentina managed to escape. But to return to his village they were not meant to be.
the Gagarins
Gagarin originally from the village of Klushino, which is located in the North-East of Smolensk region. It was there on 12 October 1941, the Gagarins met the German offensive. It happened shortly after Yuri went to the first class. His father Alexei Ivanovich, a hereditary carpenter, the front did not take because of poor health. Before the war he became ill with a severe fever and was limping. Along with his wife, Anna Timofyevna, he raised four children.
due to residence in the village of Klushino under German occupation about this time period in the biography of Yuri Gagarin little information. The Germans have a room under the workshop, and their choice fell on the house Gagarin. Host family kicked out on the street, but he did not despair and was dug out 4 by 4 meters. In it he laid out the stove, and so the family lived for four long years. From the Germans Gagarin had suffered a lot. Their house was settled very cruel Nazi albert, who was nicknamed “the devil”. Once he put on the porch of a sugar cube and began to lure them children. The elders suspected something was wrong, but the youngest Bob held out my hand to him and received the kick. Alexei Ivanovich could not endure this and hit albert head between your legs. From the violence of his saved only by the fact that the house came loaded with batteries, the machine, and albert had to accept them.
Yuri never left his family in trouble. Once his older brother Valentine, a drunken SS men put the fence empty bottles in handAh, to practice shooting. The boy miraculously was not injured. When the Germans went back to the house to drink, Yuri persuaded the remaining soldiers to release the brother. So together they left the yard safe and sound.
labor force for Germany
the Fifth of February 1943 the life of Gagarin turned over. In the door of their dugout knocked the policeman shcherbachev, who previously worked as a veterinarian. He circled the entire family look and ordered Valentina to dress up and go out. The mother began to protest, but shcherbachev roughly it broke off. Germany needed young people to work. Valentine and the other boys from the village were herded in one place, fenced with barbed wire. They promised to send to work in Gzhatsk on the clearing of snow, but grossly deceived. Boys were guarded by submachine gunners with dogs, escape was impossible. In the morning before sending them allowed to see his family, but under heavy guard. Yuri all the time pressed against the older brother and asked him to flee at the first opportunity. Valentin himself has promised this.
Less than a week in the dugout Gagarin once again knocked. This time Finnish the corporal took Zoe. He took no notice of the lamentations of mother any attention. The girl was taken to the area with the same teenagers, where they are under guard ready to be sent to work in Germany.
Exactly on the birthday of Yuri Gagarin March 9, 1943 in the village of Klushino the Red Army arrived. After this was released and all of Gzhatsk district. To the Gagarin family heard a rumor that Zoe and Valentine was able to avoid deportation to Germany. In the words of Valentine, three weeks after the sending of the village, the convoy stopped in Belarus. There he attacked the guard, took his gun and disappeared into the woods, where she met the Soviet soldiers. From them he learned about the release of Klushino. After escape from German captivity Valentin and Zoya decided to stay in the red Army. The guy joined a tank brigade, and the girl became the nurse. At the front they were to the end of the war.
the Gagarins were able vossoto edinitsa only after the end of hostilities. Together they moved to Gzhatsk, where Alexey has again built a house with his own hands. In 1951, Yuri went to school in Saratov, where he decided to connect his life with the sky and flights. His brothers and sisters all the time remained in the shadows. After the flight of the Jura in space they are even invited to a reception at the Kremlin.
After the war, Alexei Ivanovich tried many professions. In addition to carpenter, he also worked as a chauffeur, an auto mechanic. In 1963 he, along with his wife and children went to live in Ryazan. After the death of Yuri, Valentin moved to Gzhatsk, which was renamed in Gagarino. There he helped his mother to arrange for his brother’s Museum. In April 1985, Valentine was awarded the order of Patriotic war II degree. The year before he published his book “My brother Yuri”. Valentin Gagarin died in 2006.
Zoe Gagarina information is much less. She married after the war and worked as a nurse in the clinic of Gzhatsk. Zoe died in 2004. Her daughter Tamara became head of the Department of the Museum of Yuri Gagarin. The youngest brother died in 1977. With the exception of the whole Yuri Gagarins buried on the main Avenue Baptist cemetery in the town of Gagarin. The ashes of the first cosmonaut in the history of mankind buried in the Kremlin wall necropolis.
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