The iraqis have become a party to the protest of the Tahrir square of Baghdad. What started as a peaceful demonstration and later became a field of battle up to you color of blood with the police excesses, has been gaining aires verbena popular near the end of the week. This Friday is seen as a key day to waiting to see which side is inclined to the religious leaders. However, after rejecting the patches with which the politicians are trying to acallarles, many in the plaza are distancing also of the clergy.“We do not follow their instructions,” sums up a couple of boyfriends.
The chaos in Iraq encourages the comparison with the era of Saddam and The political leaders of Iraq are looking for a replacement of the prime minister after protests by The iraqi Army declared a curfew in Baghdad by the anti-government protests
At six in the morning, the young who act as the vanguard of the uprising greet the new turn of anti-riot with a “good morning, brothers cops”. The gesture, as the delivery of refreshments to the agents who knowingly spread on social networks, seeks to win their sympathies, but does not avoid that, when you receive the order, the police shot flash grenades and tear gas as if they were in front of a band of dangerous rebels; not that the kids will throw stones and molotov cocktails to prevent their eviction and, if possible, to move forward on the bridge of The Yumhuriya, towards the Green Area, where you will find the headquarters of the Presidency, the Government and the Parliament.
Just behind the first row of bold, Ahmed Nuri Hassan, 27 years old, watching intently with a satellite dish as a shield. He and his friends, all unemployed, dealing with the dangerous task of collecting the cartridges of tear gas that shoot police officers and throw them under the bridge of the street Saadun, to avoid affecting the protesters. They seem to come out of Blade Runner. Goggles, biker helmets, or gloves of gardener, any dressing is worth to help in the task. “We are willing to die here,” proclaims Ahmed, who says he is passionate about Real Madrid. Several of the three hundred dead since 1 October have been produced around the country have been victims of such shells.
“We’ve come for our children, because if they continue to rule today’s politicians, they’re not going to have a future”
A couple of protesters
despite his looks is fierce, ensure that you are not going to move forward by the force and that only cross the bridge when the cops leave. “Salmiya, salmiya” (Peaceful, peaceful), they insist. “We do not intend to go to the Green Zone; it is very dangerous. What we want are our rights. As it is, the country does not have future,” says Haider, a student of Fine Arts for 22 years. The claims are repeated: change of political system, condemnation of the corrupt and work for young people. The proposal made yesterday by the president Barham Salih to renew the electoral law and to bring forward the elections falls short.
Take seven days sleeping in the square and, despite the volunteers who bring them food and water, their appearance begins to suffer. For that is the service of a barber shop that Husham and some more have been established to the north of the square. Others are busy taking out the garbage the first few days accumulated so unhealthy. “What I do for the young; I have four children,” says Haida, a widow of 45 years. To his side, Hanin and Abdala, both 25, have not known, but who are now like family. “We want a country of which to be proud,” match the three.
Haider and Rasha, with their two children, Gina and Ali, during the demonstrations in Baghdad. A. ESPINOSA
The civic setting in the midst of the chaos, is encouraged to join the concentration of many women, and there are even parents who come with their young children. It is the case of Haider and Rasha, both of 35 years, we bring you Ali, 10, and Gina, 6. “We’ve come for them, because if they continue to rule today’s politicians, they’re not going to have a future; after 16 years have not done anything,” says Haider, that takes a decade in the Army. Rasha, a high school teacher, explains that despite their two salaries, have not been able to access a home of their own “because the political mafias have appropriated the public land and has skyrocketed the price of housing”.
“we Want public services”, claims Asad Abelkafur, 26-year-old, who works in the maintenance of mobile phones. “The public hospitals are rubbish”, pointing to his girlfriend, Randa Saad, 20, who is studying for dentist. What if the grand ayatollah Ali Sistani asked today to stop the protests and go home? “We do not follow the instructions of the religious authorities neither shi’a nor sunni,” she says. “What have we done to the clerics in these 16 years”, he adds.
Barbers cut the hair and shave the beard to two young people, during rallies in Tahrir square in Baghdad. A. E.
Also some tribal chiefs have gone to the plaza to show solidarity with the protest. “We want the same thing to all, that will be this Government and if this is not done today, will be tomorrow, but this has to change,” says sheikh Razzak al-Bawiya, at the head of a delegation of his tribe. Barely hear him, in the midst of the patriotic songs that sound thundering from a vehicle nearby. Outside the hustle and bustle, two guys perform their prayers. A little beyond, to the gates of the union of artists, a group performed a street performance, and the painter Karim Jabar appointment to Lorca to know that the journalist is Spanish: “The most terrible of all feelings is the feeling of having hope is dead”.
even Though the voltage has been lowered substantially from the Wednesday, not everything is out on the plaza. “The worst occurs between three and four in the morning,” says the doctor Yusef, who along with a group of medical and nursing students attending a first-aid post in an alley adjacent. “It is when more injuries received, the riot police charged to try to desalojarnos because a lot of people has gone home,” he explains. They ask that their faces not be seen in the photos because both in the hospital and in the university have warned them against participating in the protest. Ensure that two physicians have died and a third is seriously injured.
The revolution of the tuk tuk
Make ambulance, distribute drinks and food, and help you navigate between the tumult to health and other volunteers. All probono. The modest tuk tuk or motorcycle taxis have become a hollow on the square of Tahrir, and already there are those who propose that a monument.
That little vehicle of asian origin arrived in Baghdad does a couple of years as a mobility solution for the small narrow streets of the centre. It was very used by the women to do the daily shopping.
Its size allowed some tuk tuk colaran among the protesters when at the beginning of the demonstrations, the police closed access to cars. His role in the evacuation of the wounded they gained a great sympathy, and now there are no tuk tuk driver that you want to miss the glory. Some even have added metal safety fences for protection.