After a long struggle, have agreed to the Federal Ministry of transport and the car manufacturers in the Diesel dispute. The VW group agreed, not only in the so-called intensive cities, which already bans were imposed, or they threaten to pay for a Diesel swap premium, but to pay these in the whole of Germany to verschaukelte Diesel driver. It agreed to “picture”information, the VW boss, Herbert Diess, and the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU). Consequently, all Diesel-owners hope for a financial incentive.

the Exact Details of the Deal are not yet known, so the “image”. But, apparently, it will stay with the model dependent graduation of 500 to 9000 euros per vehicle. This amount applies to vehicle owners of any manufacturer, the return is a Euro 4 or Euro 5 diesel vehicle and on a newer Diesel trains. “The biggest German car company is the first provider that makes all diesel owners in Germany, a really good exchange offer for cleaner cars,” said Minister Scheuer.

pollutants No joke: In Kiel Diesel-vehicles soon, maybe only on the fast Lane DPA window-dressing to Volkswagen

But is that really a “good” offer that is made by VW? The staggering between 500 and 9000 Euro. Who actually receives the maximum amount is still unclear. And: Who has bought for a lot of money for a new Diesel, with whom he may now not more in the nearby city center, the 9000 Euro for a change will not help. Because the money for the fake Diesel is Gone and the amount of discount while buying a new one. More but also not.

it is also Questionable in how far the dealer discounts with this Supplement. Because sometimes the discounts, and give the dealer that car buyers are much juicier than the offered premium of VW.

The cost of retrofitting really

For Diesel drivers, the already-agreed-upon retrofit solution is in the intensive cities beyond. Volkswagen had agreed to pay up to 3000 euros for the Hardware upgrade. However, the experts from the ADAC, it comes with this amount. “The costs for the retrofitting of Euro-4 – Euro 5 diesel to be between 1400 and 3300 euros per vehicle, estimated by the ADAC. The installation would cost, probably a minimum of one working day per vehicle. Some experts go from 5000 to 7000 euros per car total.”



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