Vox wants to discuss immigration instead of climate change. The representative of the party ultra has refused to sign the agreement for the holding of the election debate between the spokespersons of the parliamentary groups in the Congress which will be held RTVE to 22 hours of next Monday.
the reason for the discrepancy is the refusal of representatives of most of the political groups (PSOE, ERC, United we Can and Citizens) and of the professionals of RTVE to devote one of the four thematic blocks of the debate on immigration, while it has included the climate change. Vox ensures that “immigration is one of the main concerns of Spanish society and that they should be allowed the debate between the candidates of the different political formations for which the Spanish are aware of their proposals.”
in order To support their arguments, the party of Santiago Abascal is supported in the CIS published on Tuesday, according to which “the 15.6% of the respondents considered immigration as a problem for Spain,” while climate change is “only interested in the 1.5% of the spaniards”. In reality, when the CIS asks respondents “what is the main problem that currently exists in Spain, 10.7% appointment migration between the first three and only 2.3% mentioned the environmental problems; which puts them in the 8th and the 18th, respectively, among the concerns of the Spanish.
however, when the CIS asks respondents “what is the problem that you personally affects you most”, only 2.8% mentioned immigration among the top three, while a similar percentage (2.2 per cent) cited the climate change. In fact, both problems are placed in positions correlative (17 immigration, 18-climate change), which indicates that they are a lot more concerned about immigration in the abstract, that those who live it as a problem.
Vox has made the fight against immigration one of their flags, with measures such as the deportation of all irregular immigrants, including minors; or the construction of a wall around Ceuta and Melilla. In contrast, Abascal is skeptical about the report scientists who warn of global warming and makes a mockery of so-called “apocalypse environment”.
Vox has appealed to the Central Electoral Board to force to be included in the election debate of parliamentary spokespersons a specific block dedicated to immigration, “by being in the public interest”, but clarifies that this does not mean that your representative, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, resigns to participate in the same if it isn’t the case.