Contents page 1 — When everything is too much page 2 — A child welfare for the Old? On a page

never before have so many people care were in need of renovation as it is today: 3.5 million people in Germany, two thirds of them are cared for at home. But why colleagues and friends talk about the daycare lack of space, but not about how difficult is to find a good nursing home? What prevents parents and their adult children to talk honestly about your expectations?

In focus “we are Talking about care”, we focus on these and other questions: How it feels like to decide on the future of the mother. What makes the burden of care with a relationship. And what is the meaning of physical proximity, when one is self-maintained.

Mrs. Peters* voice sounds on the phone so powerless, that Thomas Hahnraths is immediately clear: there is Something wrong with your husband. Hahnraths is a care coach, he supports family caregivers. On the same day, he has to pass through the Peters family. Mr Peters is in a large double bed on the back and seems to sleep. He is unshaven, the lips are cracked and the face is still sunken, as Hahnraths has it in memory. Hanraths serious care deficiencies: The bed is unsuitable, the reclining position prepares the patient pain. A towel as an Incontinence pad is inadequate, actually, it would need to be in this Situation, a urine bag. On the night table next to the bed for an unused glass. Hahnraths making notes: “Mr Peters is deep exsikkiert going” – dried up.

Mr. Peters haven’t eaten in five days and for two days nothing to drink, says his wife. He told her that he wanted to die at home and she would have respected his wishes. Out of ignorance, how could your husband for support, was a neglect. Hahnraths shows Mrs Peters, how are you not embedding your husband properly, so that the wound worsened on the back. You agree to a joint appointment in the outpatient clinic of the hospital, from Mr. Peters shortly before it was released. But it’s not coming. Two days after Hahnraths’ visit to the 72-Year-old dies of bladder cancer.

The description of the Case, the TIME is ONLINE, is part of a collection that was evaluated by Katharina Gröning scientifically. The case of Mr Peters is quite typical. “People who are Dying, are particularly vulnerable to being under-supplied,” says Groening, a Professor for education Sciences at the University of Bielefeld. For 14 years she studied the care in the family area in a large research project. “Family carers are often amazed at how long the Die lasts and how expensive the care is. This leads to neglect and under-supply,” says Groening.

insults, bruises, and a closed door

violence in the care – in the professional as in the family – but not just in the last few days before the death, it is an everyday phenomenon. Insults, bruises, Kicking, a closed door. Time violence of the patient, time of Care. In a study conducted by the centre for quality of care by 2018, 47 percent of the respondents in Care said to be violence by relatives in need of care affected. 40 percent reported personally violent. In most cases, the violence is psychological: an insult, an intimidation or a threat. But also physical violence, neglect, and deprivation of liberty.

focus on “let’s Talk about caring” “we are Talking about care” is a matter of priority

Why it is difficult for many people to speak on the topic care? In a focus on TIME ONLINE, we go to this question and to let Carers, relatives and well Maintained.


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