at the beginning of this year, smoke, spoke openly about their difficult times, and your "verkokstes and messed-up life", as she herself said in an Interview with RTL.

After the success with "Popsicles" switched to smoke in the mid-80s in the Porn industry. It is the descent with drug problems and tax debt. Born in Munich, lived temporarily in a trailer, received social assistance and earned as a prostitute for money. "The most wanted with the Porn Queen in the room", reported Smoking by this time. The crowd was large. Some of the Free would have paid to smoke up to 2000 Euro. However, smoke was homeless, and thought of suicide.

Secret friend helps smoke out of the crisis

Then the smoke got to her "Savior" Alex know. The unknown man kept the actress, apparently, before worse, helped her again a few years ago, on the legs and financed even new teeth, Botox treatment, breast lifting, and clothing.

Today, smoke lives in Vienna. Your apartment is by a confidential friend, your "bussibaer", paid. It goes uphill again. In February Smoking was a guest at the Vienna Opera ball. In addition, she has managed to get in the ORF-series “rokkos are located adventure” in a role. The "Mopo" told of smoke in September: “I take by giving acting lessons, as it is today is much more difficult to be as an actress, but I try and give full commitment.”

In the FOCUS Online/Glomex Meghan is pregnant! These names are now favourites for the Royal Junior ck


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