After allegations of the case of behaviour towards several women, the former US Vice-President and potential democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden has praised the improvement. “In the future I’ll be more attentive and respectful with the personal space of people,” promised Biden, in a Video Clip he published on Wednesday on Twitter. “This is my responsibility and I will be.” The social norms in handling the personal space of the people had changed. I understand that and he respect that.

Several women had complained in recent days that Biden had approached them in his time as US Vice President in an inappropriate way. The Democrat Lucy Flores about said Biden have approached to 2014 at one of her campaign appearances from the back, smell her hair and give her a kiss on the back of the head. Another woman had reported that Biden had laid out in 2009 at an event his Hand around her neck and moved to RUB his nose at her.

Joe Biden: “I shake hands, I said hug people”

Biden, he always tried to connect to people. “I shake hands, I hug people, I believe men and women to the shoulders and tell them, ‘You can do this.'” He had always been. In this way, he attempts to show people that they meant something to him and he will listen. “So I’m easy.” But times have changed. “Today, it comes to take Selfies with each other.” And the limits for the protection of personal space are different today. He’s got to understand.

US presidential election in 2024, the US Democrats: The number of women applying for, but in the surveys had already responded earlier on the charges and initially stated he didn’t think that he had acted inappropriately lead to two white men Of Niels Kruse

Biden. If he had done this, he would listen respectfully.

The Democrat was from 2009 until 2017, Deputy of then-US President Barack Obama. The allegations came just at a time, to meet the Biden, a decision about a possible presidential candidacy for 2024.

fin / DPA


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