the Tourists who are on Board of the cruise liner Diamond Princess, will remain in quarantine for at least another two weeks, according to the Association of tour operators of Russia (ATOR). Among them, 24 Russian.
the ship will remain under quarantine in Yokohama. This is due to the fact that 10 passengers have revealed a new type of coronavirus – two Australians, three Japanese, three tourists from Hong Kong, a tourist from the United States, as well as crew members from the Philippines. The Russians have the virus is not found.
Infected persons taken ashore by water transport, the Japanese coast guard and then to the local hospital.
the Diamond Princess has set sail from Yokohama on January 20. Onboard the liner there were 2666 guests and 1045 members of the crew. Among the passengers was a citizen of China, which was identified coronavirus. On 25 January he went to Hong Kong. In this regard, the liner was sent to quarantine, and all passengers and members were tested for the presence of the virus.
the Russian Embassy in Japan is investigating all the circumstances around the situation. In dipvedomstva ready to render any assistance to the Japanese authorities on this issue.
the causative agent of the disease was 2019 coronavirus-nCoV. The who declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus emergency situation of international importance. The government has included a new virus in the list of dangerous diseases.
Coronavirus can be more dangerous than the crisis of 2008
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