Online map of moon, red

lunar Eclipse! Blood moon! In the sky what’s quite nice. What the hell is that?

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getting up Early might be worth it. Who’s coming Monday morning before sunrise from the bed, can see, in the best case, the full moon a reddish glow. By 5.41 PM, the moon will be about an hour long-completely in the core shadow of the earth. Since he is just on a very near-earth portion of its roughly elliptical orbit, it will appear particularly large. The best weather conditions it is probably in the middle of Germany. Can a lunar Eclipse occur only during a full moon. The sun, earth and moon for this Eclipse is exactly on a line.

if you want to watch the total lunar Eclipse, can look forward to a mostly cloud free sky. Only in the North and in the foothills of the Alps of the moon could be obscured in the early Morning of clouds, reported the German weather service.

At 4.34 PM at night, this is it: The full moon moves slowly in the core shadow of the earth. The look is actually so, as it would darken the moon from one side slowly, says Carolin Liefke from the house of astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. Only if the points of the moon’s orbit and the plane of earth’s Orbit full moon is exactly in one of the two sectional, he is captured by the earth’s shadow. These cut points are called also dragon points, according to the Chinese mythology and the image of the sky dragon.

about 5.41 PM is gone the moon is completely in the core shadow (see Infobox). However, he is not completely black, but glows reddish – which is why he is called also “blood moon”. Because the sun rays are refracted in the earth’s atmosphere and only the red reach the moon. “Therefore, this reddish color is produced,” says Lifke. Depending on the composition of the atmosphere – about the amount of dust particles and clouds – falls at each Eclipse is slightly different.

lunar Eclipse schedule the Eclipse of the moon on 21. January 2019

On Monday morning to see a total lunar Eclipse over Central Europe. The most important times, according to the German centre for air and space travel.

3:35 PM: beginning of the penumbral Eclipse. The entry of the moon into the penumbra of the earth is for Amateurs hardly noticeable.
4:34 PM: beginning of the partial Eclipse of the moon: The core shadow of the earth moves across the moon.
5:41 PM: start of the total lunar darkis: All three celestial bodies are on a line. The moon shimmers red.
6:44 p.m.: end of the total lunar Eclipse, the beginning of the second partial Eclipse of the moon
7:51 PM: end of the partial Eclipse of the moon
8:00 PM: The moon goes down in Germany.


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