Biography 22/02/20 Tito: what was the Russian wife of the future leader of Yugoslavia
Josip Broz Tito until the end of his days was known as a very loving man. He had several official and civilian wives and many novels. However, the first love of the leader of Yugoslavia was a Russian girl Pelagia Belousova.
As Broz was under Omsk?
How Josip Broz was under Omsk? He was born in 1892 in a rural location and within Kurovice. At that time the area was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1913, Josip was called up for military service.
the First world war. In the spring of 1915 Broz was wounded and, being already in the rank of non-commissioned officer, was taken prisoner to Russian. He treated her and was exiled to the Urals. In 1917, Josip was released, but a few weeks later was arrested again. Broz managed to escape, and for some time he was hiding in the village of mykhailivka, near Omsk. Which is exactly where he took a fancy to a local girl Pelagia.
the Double marriage
Pelageya Denisovna Belousova was born in the family of ordinary peasants in 1904. Thus, the future Yugoslav leader, she was not yet fifteen years old. The Broz was more than 10 years older than his lady. Belousovich family hid fugitive Josip themselves, making between young people and began a relationship.
In 1919 Josip and Pelagia were married in one of Omsk churches. However, the marriage had to register again. The fact that the Bolsheviks wedding is not considered an official act, and in 1920 the couple have registered their civil status in accordance with the new laws. Moreover, according to the documents, the name of the spouses listed as Brezovici.
for some time Brezovici lived in Omsk. And the head of the family even worked in town as a mechanic. But lasted this long. In the same 1920, the couple left Yugoslavia.
Divorce and repression
married To Josip Pelagia (or Polka, as it was called by her husband) gave birth to five children. Unfortunately, four of them died while still very small. Only the runt, who dubbed the Hot, survived. Josip worked at the mill, Pelageya – at the factory. Both husband and wife joined the ranks of the Communist party of Yugoslavia. Since 1921 the Communist propaganda was banned in the country, so members of the party went underground. Pelagia is mainly engaged in literature and not once has been detained. Failed to avoid arrest and her husband. When in 1928 Broz again put in prison, Pelagia took her son’s Hot, and went to the Soviet Union.
When Josip was released, he left Yugoslavia and went after his wife. However, it is not meant to be together. Brose became interested in another woman – Anna Koenig. In 1936 Pelagia and Josip filed for divorce. Broz argued that his wife badly and has a son and raised him a real bully. He wanted the boy to stay with him. But Hot handed back to the mother.
Contrary to the assertions of the father, in time of war, Hot with honour fought, and even received the order of the Patriotic war, 2 nd degree. His mother Pelageya Denisovna got into the meat grinder of Stalin’s repressions and spent many years in camps. She died in 1968 of a heart attack. Her former husband Josip Broz Tito, she no longer saw.
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