Photos: the Agency “Moscow”/Alexander Avilov
Coronavirus was detected in three of the clergy of the Moscow diocese. The information was confirmed by a working group under the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia for the coordination of the activities of Church institutions in terms of the spread of coronavirus infections, reports TASS.
According on April 5, three priests of the Metropolitan of the diocese of test infection gave a positive result.
Contracted by the clergymen of the Church of the icon of the Mother of God soothe my sorrows in Maryino, the temple of Rozhdestva Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy V Krylatskom and Church of the ascension on a Pea Field.
According to the who, the world COVID-19 infected more than 1.2 million people, more than 64 thousand died, recovered more than 240 thousand people. Just in 79 regions of Russia today was of 5,389 cases of coronavirus infection.
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