Two little girls clasp the green T-Shirt of their seven-month-old sister. If you let go of the Baby, the four floors of the shattered house in the depth. Her uncle keeps a Hand on the head, too distorted, the mouth of a horror scream.
The photo was taken on Wednesday a few minutes after an air attack in Syria. The dictator Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin to bomb currently in the Region of Idlib. On Wednesday alone, of the 18 civilians died in the bombing. Actually, the truce is in the jihadist-controlled province since September. But by the end of April, the troops of Assad and their Russian allies had waged the war to continue.
In four weeks, more children were killed than in the whole of last year,
aid agencies describe the situation in Idlib as a “nightmare,” the UN human rights Commissioner Bachelet accuses the Syrian and Russian armed forces, to bomb also civilian targets such as hospitals and schools.
The sisters managed to save her seven-month-old sister. The Baby is now struggling in the hospital to Survive. One of the sisters died: Riham, which keeps clutching in the photo the T-Shirt of your little sister so desperately. According to the aid organization Save the Children were killed in Idlib in the past four weeks, more children than in the whole of last year.
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