Munich – Thomas lateral, the friend of Helene Fischer. And as an Acrobat or as a pair of glasses model a man in demand. But before that, he had to earn, in a way, his money. Obviously, he has accepted the Job, on the perhaps not everyone would be proud of. He brought numerous pants for a TV Show on top of each other, hung upside down from the back of a garbage truck, or participated in an eating competition. Everything was solid paid.

in the Meantime, he makes, however, rar. The appearance on the glasses fashion show was the only public since the dear Hammer with Helene Fischer in December. And that pictures have surfaced that Helene Fischer, and him strolling in Munich show was not wanted, certainly.

The lack of current recordings seems to be moving some Fans to dig deeper into his past. Not for the first Time the Instagram page behindblueeyestss do here. It is not, perhaps, a Fanpage, and this makes but also rather embarrassing photos. Such has now been dug up on Monday:

check out this post on Instagram

Ähhm … #bathtime #acrobatics Deluxe #talent without end #zumglück hand towels #Thomas Eitel #Helene Fischer

A post shared by Behind blue eyes (@behindblueeyests) on Feb 25, 2019 at 1:43 PM PST

To see a well-toned young man, it is backed up by Thomas lateral, but with a large probability. He stands with both feet on the edge of a bathtub. He’s wearing apparently only a towel. With one Hand he holds this. With the other he holds his nose, as if he wanted to jump into the water. According to the Dieter-hall classic Song Vorden-“You, the tub is full.”

where the bizarre sight comes, do not know the side of the operator. Somewhere from the Internet. “The exact page I don’t know, somewhere in Google Pictures”, – stated in the comments.

Thomas lateral gets for tub photo a lot of scorn

Thomas lateral gets for this sight, a lot of mockery. “I’m not crushing, how EMBARRASSING is this again”, “If you think it’s embarrassing, then you have thought wrong and it will get worse”, “I find no more words”, “The guy embarrassed Helene, where he can. Florian has never done so” and “What are the Good has as only Anglo-eight,” – said in the comments.

And a user formulates the questions that many ask: “Why he is, with only a towel clothed, on a bath edge and the nose?! He jumped in the tub?“

“what do you think of Thomas lateral?” Criticism on Instagram-pages-operators

For Digging the photos on the Instagram page also gets criticism. “You have to ask yourself, how would you have such pictures that no other person finds. What do you think of Thomas lateral? You don’t know him personally, you always want to fuck him?“, it is called.

And in principle, it is not at all reprehensible, to entertain the people with such appearances. Whether Thomas lateral is today, really?

What’s going definitely too far, this case is Thomas lateral, which is now also an issue for the police.



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