With the increase in immigration issues, many migrants choose to play it safe and get assistance from immigration lawyers to help with their immigration process.
Immigration attorneys can represent clients in regulatory tribunals, or they can counsel clients, about their legal rights and immigration responsibilities. Often, they recommend action courses based on their knowledge of immigration law.
When hiring an immigration lawyer, you need to make sure that the lawyer you are about to hire has the required experience and skill set to handle your immigration issues. Immigration law comprises different aspects. Whether it is for visa rules or deportation defenses, you need to make sure that the lawyer you hire is capable of helping you with your unique issues. How do you go about getting a great immigration lawyer?
It’s best practice to speak to different lawyers who are able to give you a free or low-cost consultation. You can use this opportunity to learn more about their background, including the aspects of their expertise in immigration law.
When you are recruiting an immigration lawyer, there are some fundamental things you have to know about them before hiring. We have listed 7 things you need to know about an immigration lawyer check out malcolmpacific.com before hiring.

1. How Experienced Are They?
First and foremost, determine your potential lawyer’s familiarity and experience with immigration issues similar to yours. For example, if you are seeking asylum, you’ll want to know about past asylum cases in which representation was provided.
Most lawyers have at least one area of law they specialize in. Usually, this means that they have in-depth education, skill, and expertise in that field of specialization. Also, there are no regulations in place that limit the definition of a lawyer’s area of specialization. This suggests that a lawyer who claims to specialize in immigration may not have the requisite experience to win your case.
One way to test an immigration lawyer’s credentials is to ask reputable associations about their membership. These professional bodies help immigration applicants narrow down their quest and find skilled legal counsel. Getting a lawyer with experience in diverse type of immigration cases, and who has a personal drive to protect immigration clients’ rights, is best.
2. Where is the Lawyer Licensed?
It is important for you to find out where the lawyer you intend hiring is licensed. If the lawyer’s office is in Auckland, for instance, you need to be sure the lawyer is licensed to practice there. Why? This is to protect you.
It is claimed that immigration law is a federal law and so does not require that a lawyer be licensed in a state or province for them to practice there. However, the immigration process is more than that. There are issues of state employment law, state criminal law, state domestic relations law, and other areas that can affect your immigration case, and peculiar to the state you are. You surely will want a lawyer that is aware of all these state laws and know whom to direct you to for help.
Also, what happens when problems arises between your lawyer and you? If your lawyer is registered in the state, you can quickly go to the State Bar of that state for resolution, otherwise getting a recourse may be difficult.

3. Who is Handling the Case?
You should know whether the lawyer in question will really be the one setting up your case or if another person will handle it. Often it is usually an inexperienced lawyer or a paralegal who is left to do the work. This may cause some problems which can cost you extra money.
4. How Busy is the Lawyer?
Find out how many cases every month the attorney handles. If the lawyer has several cases to handle, the quality of work rendered to you may not be excellent. The best lawyers handle only a few cases and do the cases themselves. Immigration cases can take several months or even years to complete. During this period, you will want a lawyer that is fully invested in your case and is not swamped by other cases. You should be able to meet, call, email and text them freely too..

5. When will He Begin?
You also want to find out from your potential attorney when they can start on your case, and how he will communicate the progress of your case. You will need to make sure you are hiring a lawyer who is ready to begin work and can give your case the attention that it deserves.
You also want a lawyer who will communicate with you throughout the entirety of your interactions with the immigration system. This is vital so you can stay updated about your case. This will give you and your family peace of mind and enough time to prepare for any outcome.
6. How much will it cost?
It is very important to get a clear estimate of the legal fees. Some lawyers may charge you a little amount initially and find ways to get more money by charging an additional fee. Ask them what the fees cover. Dors it cover for initial filing only or does it include ancillary matters, follow-up appointments etc. Experienced attorneys know how much work the process inolves and will have a clear estimate for the whole legal fees.

7. What About Testimonials?
Can the Lawyer provide actual client testimonials from previous successful cases? What do past clients say about him, his integrity, and his willingness to provide both successful and compassionate legal representation? Take the time to research testimonials from different outlets like the website of the attorney, social media, and online review sites.
Immigration law is complicated, and what may appear to be a relatively simple legal procedure can easily get an individual over their heads and potentially endanger their future.
The first line of defense in an immigration case is to partner with an experienced Immigration Attorney. Getting details on the credentials, competence, and skills of a lawyer to deal with the complicated immigration case helps you feel comfortable during the entire process.