History 23/12/19 “No anomaly!”: what frost actually stood during the battle of Moscow
the battle for the capital began in late September 1941, but only by the beginning of December was a turning point, when the Soviet army went on the offensive. Many sources said that an important role was played by the weather. They say, in December in the Moscow area there were severe frosts, the thermometer dropped to minus 40 (according to others, to minus 50) degrees Celsius.
At the same time, Soviet soldiers were accustomed to the harsh winter, but the Nazis – no. Hitler hoped that the war would be over before winter, so winter uniforms of the Germans was not given. Meanwhile, the first frosts hit in early November.
the Boots from Nazi soldiers was not, and the boots they were given strictly by size, in contrast to the Soviet soldiers, whose boots were typically the size of the two more so they could fill for warmth Newspapers. The Germans could not afford even warm socks. The rest of the German uniforms were light blown overcoat, forage cap and cloth gloves.
also Say that the night shots of the Soviet “Katyusha” frightened the Germans so that they jumped out in the same pants and was freezing to death. 40% of the Nazi soldiers who fought on the front lines, had frostbitten feet, and all due to frostbite was out of action for about 133 thousand people.
When the situation escalated, Germany was created the Foundation “Winter”, which collected warm clothing for Eastern front. But the fact is that in Germany men are almost never wore warm clothes, they were mostly women. The soldiers had to wear scarves and hoods and warming the hands in the ladies ‘ fur muffs.
Shortly before Christmas, Hitler ordered to take urgent measures to improve the situation of freezing the German soldiers. So, Soviet prisoners of war and civilians startedwhether to confiscate winter clothes, organized heated strongholds. In fact, as sent from Germany, and confiscated items were old and worn and did not meet military standards. And to create a heated points was not enough equipment and construction materials. Slightly saved the situation cast-iron stove that heated dugouts.
Another serious problem was that of the lubricating oil at low temperature was just freezing. Thus hundreds of pieces of German equipment was destroyed, while our soldiers held their guns at the fur covers and machine-gun the valves are oiled with special oil that can withstand frost. The real crisis came when the tanks a few dozen kilometers from Moscow ran out of fuel and the infantry could not force myself to go.
it is Impossible to tell that Russian do not suffer from frost, but still they were prepared for winter conditions better than the opponent. Soviet soldiers were clad in fur cap, overcoat of thick cloth coats, quilted cotton pants and boots. This outfit paralyzed the movement, but securely protected from the cold. In addition, our soldiers used a special ointment from frostbite, rendered on open sites of a skin. No wonder Marshal Zhukov said, “Coats, boots, jackets, warm underwear are also weapons.”
meanwhile, according to weather forecasters, the temperature in the Moscow region in late 1941 was not so anomalous. So, on 4 November, it was minus 7 degrees. Stayed on this level for three days, she rose to zero. However, from the 11th to 13th of November the value dropped to 15-18 degrees, but then by the end of November kept within the boundaries of minus ten. In December, temperatures generally do not exceed minus 20°C. Only in some places and for a while it drops to minus 28-30 degrees, which for Russia – in the normal range. Perhaps the basis for the legend about a fierce pestilenceosah was the previous winter of 1940, when the January temperature reached minus values of 42.1°C. by the Way, while many said that such cold war.
However, try to war at least at minus 20 degrees in light clothing! For the Germans, accustomed to the mild European winters, it was hell. And yet our army defeated near Moscow not only because of the harsh Russian winters, but, first of all, thanks for the courage and bravery, readiness to defend the native land from the enemy.
Russian Seven
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