The WhatsApp of mobile staff María del Carmen Martínez, the widow of the former president of Caja Mediterráneo (CAM) Vincent Hall, deceased was shot dead in December 2016 in Alicante, was “pressed” to manually 20 seconds after that, from another phone, give notice to the 112 to ask for help. So has testified to the expert’s computer that has been in charge of the dump of the data of the mobile of the victim, who has reported that on 9 December 2016 to 18 hours, 55 minutes and 23 seconds opened up the application of WhatsApp and has stressed that this could not happen “automatically” but that was done manually.
Struggle of brothers for power after the murder of her mother by The defendant for the crime of the Room refuses to declare to be “psychologically fragile”
At the twelfth session of the jury trial in the Provincial court for this crime, in which the only defendant is the son-in-law, Miguel Lopez, this data that, in principle, it is surprising and contradictory has focused some of the questions of the parties. The expert has insisted that it is opened manually and which, according to the dump of the data, was not sent nor received any message.
The phone of the victim, with the opening of the social network, received 538.000 bites, which are explained in the data transmission between the terminal and the server of WhatsApp, for example, to update the contacts that are “online”.
This witness has produced after the executor of the deceased, José Luis Albarracín, who has indicated that the business group of the family at the time of the crime was worth between 120 million and 150 million euros and that the deceased intended to change the bylaws to move to her firstborn son and called “privileged participation” or “golden action”, which gives a special weight and the possibility of veto in the decision-making of business.
María del Carmen Martínez died bleeding on around 19: 00 on the 9 of December of 2016 after receiving two shots in the head when he went to collect a car from your property in the laundry room of the dealer who owned Miguel Lopez.