Violets and caramel tones, a hint of cheese, sweat, and metal – describes Peter Eisner, the aroma of Lupin flour. “The overall impression of the 25 main flavors clearly goes in the direction of fresh cut Grass.” Eisner is neither a perfumer nor star chef, but an engineer and Deputy head of the Fraunhofer Institute for process engineering and packaging. Since 2005, he works with his Team, the Lupine of their flavors out. Because the seeds of the pretty, white, or purple flowering Plant are the basis for the best possible taste-neutral Emulsion: a vegan milk substitute.
Eisner is considered to be an expert in animal-free dairy products. He should know what technique you can brew from Lupin seeds, soy beans, oat or rice grains is an acceptable drink. Usually be added to meal or flour with water, optionally boiled, or fermented, strained and homogenized. “That is not enough, because in many plants it captures also bitter substances,” says Eisner. “We had to wash out with plenty of water.” But then Lupin framed drink cow’s milk, which is why the Fraunhofer experts, stabilizers, and emulsifiers added. Now, the “milk made” will not be more foaming. As well as the seemed to be solved, was the product of viscous and unappetizing gray. In the meantime, the problems are solved, and subjects were able to distinguish the Drink in Test hardly of cow’s milk. 2014 Eisner prize with two colleagues for the lupine idea of the German future.
plants drinks contain little protein with exception of soy milk
Between soy, almond, rice and oat drinks lupins Bob up and down in the niche, but also in Germany, sales with a vegan product. In the twelve months to the end of August 2018, he was in Germany, according to the data portal Statista, 1.1 billion euros. Beverages made from soy, oats, rice, or almonds have a significant share of it, even if you are no longer allowed to be marketed in the EU as “milk”. Who does not tolerate lactose, health-conscious, animal – or environment want to meet life, to attack. But keep the products, what consumers expect from this?
life cycle assessment Why almond milk is not a good Alternative to cow’s milk – and which they instead should drink Of Denise Snieguole Wachter
The nutritional value it goes to the question of how much protein in the drinks supply. With the Original out of the cow only Drinks soy can compete: they contain about three grams per 100 milliliters. Lupine comes out to about two, almond and oat milk to less than a gram. Rice milk contains only 0.1 grams of virtually no protein, but hardly any allergens. Legumes such as soy and Lupine can for peanut and birch pollen Allergy sufferers can be dangerous, almond drinks for patients who cannot tolerate nuts.
The flavor is hardly a drink can conceal its origin: soy milk tastes like bean, almond milk, nutty, oat milk getreidig and sweet to break up because of the Fermentation enzymes from the oat grain starch to sugar – which explains the compared to cow’s milk, similar to high sugar content.
the plant drinks Are healthier?
2018 examined the Stiftung Warentest 15 soy drinks: they delivered a similar amount of protein as whole milk and also much more valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, but virtually no calcium. Some manufacturers put the mineral, therefore, retrospectively. Surprisingly, it failed in the Test, five of the soy drinks as defective: One was contaminated with Nickel or chlorine compounds charged. At the beginning of 2019, a comparison of the magazine Öko-Test has particularly emphasized oat drinks full of praise: In them of pesticides and heavy metals were detectable.
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… “, DR. v. hirschhausen’s STAR live a HEALTHY LIFE”. The issue is now on newsstands, or here to buy. Topics in this issue:
Move, feed right, and all around good feel: not heavy at all with our tips and recommendations!Plant drinks: It also goes without milk pain: when he’s good and how to get rid of him at last
Whether the plant drinks are the bottom line is healthier than milk, can not be satisfactorily clarified. Although animal and human studies on the Basis of the cell, that plant proteins from legumes or nuts to extend the life of our cells and of our rather than animal proteins. But the question of principle, how healthy is actually cow’s milk is, it splits the science. These include agriculture and industry have contributed their part: not only do they emphasize tirelessly the inner values of the milk, but also to sponsor much of the research.
This makes evaluation almost impossible: Are milk lovers really slimmer than Non-drinkers? As conclusive evidence that you get less likely to have a heart attack or Diabetes? Children grow faster, if you drink daily milk? Flushed was the reaction of the industry to 2017 on a large and independent study on a 100,000 Sweden: milk-a lot of drinkers in the survey period, a 32 percent increased risk of Mortality. But also here applies: the cause is unclear. Experts advise, therefore, that neither cow nor plants-“to drink milk” by the liter.
to Better demonstrate the environmental effects. Generally speaking, those Who consume less animals, purifies its environmental impact. Researchers at the University of Oxford analysed data from almost 40,000 peasants from farms all over the world for 40 agricultural products. In the production of meat, milk, and even eggs, therefore, significantly more greenhouse gases were emitted than in the cultivation of cereals, legumes or nuts. A Liter of milk is equivalent to a greenhouse effect of three kilos of carbon dioxide, a Liter of soy milk, only a third cause of so much. The carbon footprint of rice, however, because of the flooded fields, large quantities of methane and nitrous oxide. Oats comes off much better – and comes similar to the Lupine often locally grown.
there are also differences in water consumption: “globally, the water footprint of soy milk is definitely much smaller than cow’s milk,” says Arjen Hoekstra, of the studied at the Water Centre, the Netherlands University of Twente, the environmental balance of food. A Liter of soy milk day-to-day data, 297 liters of water, 62 percent of which were solely for the cultivation of the beans. For other plants, drinks, there is hardly data, the water balance of the raw materials suggests, however, that their manufacture consumes much less water than dairy cattle.
The water footprint of soy milk is smaller than cow’s and almond milk
Up on almond milk. In dry production areas such as California and Spain, the great thirst of the almond trees already leads to problems. For a manufacturer Hoekstra calculated a need of dizzying 917 water litres per litre of Almond milk – almost as much as cow’s milk: The global your average cow consumes about fodder cultivation and potions 1050 litres for a litre of milk in Germany, according to a study by the TU Berlin, after all, up to 400 litres.
soya beans have not a flawless environmental record: every Year, 35 million tons of it are imported into the EU, mainly for animal feed. The proportion of genetically modified goods in the world at about 80 percent. Especially in Brazil is cleared for cultivation, often virgin forest. After all, a sample of consumers showed Central Hamburg that many of the soy drink manufacturers source their raw materials from Italy, France, or China, according to its own Admission, to avoid rain forest destruction and genetically modified goods. A laboratory of the magazine “Öko-Test” was 2019, however, in a number of soy drinks, genetically modified beans, even in Bioware.
to eat vegan and at the same time “GM-free”, seems almost an Illusion: added vitamins, aromas and other additives in soy and other Drinks are often made using genetically modified microbes. Also in the case of Bioware, this is no longer allowed, unless a substance is free of gene technology on the market.
The most Positive cutting plant drinks to the animal protection, because each of the milk production takes the death of animals in the purchase: a cow in a year is 7000 litres, it must calve as often as possible. Even on organic farms, it separates the young animals soon after birth from the mother, in order to fatten them for the meat production.
Who wants to reduce for environmental reasons, its consumption of milk, creates the fastest on less hard cheese and Butter For their preparation are needed 13 to 18 liters of milk per Kilo.