The breakfast table in the house of Rhonita LeBarón Miller is a storm of shouts and cries. “I don’t got no one in eight hours! Don’t burnt the truck, the burned! The baby was seven hours alone in the car Christina!”. And so one detail and another, and another. The dad of Rhonita, the lord Adrian LeBarón, a robust man, voice strong hands and solid as branches, insists: “No one in eight hours!” On the table there is a picture of Rhonita, 30 years ago, with his daughter Crystal, of 10. The two were killed Monday. An armed group the shoot-out at a dirt track in the north of Mexico, and then, somehow, his car was engulfed in flames. The family is convinced that the assailants, after shooting, set them on fire. To these two, the eldest son of Rhonita, Howard, of 12 and two babies, Titus and Tiana, barely seven months of age. Their bodies were charred. “There was a ball there, or the head was complete,” says the lord LeBarón.

On the table scurry lashes of rage. More than sorrow, the rage. And eager to talk, tell people about it all, that’s all you know. What of Rhonita and their children, Christina Langford Johnson and Dawna Ray Langford, the other two women who died also killed. What of the two children of Dawna shot to death, the escape of the other guys for the sierra. The body of Christina, without life, in the middle of the dirt track. The daughter of Christina, Faith, a baby chest that waited there, alone, in the car, with her dead mother lying on the floor three yards away from her, for hours, in the crease is cursed of the sierra.

it’s Not just the murders, it is the way. Are suspicions of how they did it. And the need to repeat it very loudly. The breakfast in the house of Rhonita LeBarón is to remember something that is not assumed. That it seems that you still do not just happen.


The clan mormon of the LeBarón, a family torn by the kidnappings and violence in Mexico Trump offers military aid to fight the “war” against drug trafficking

on Monday morning, after the calls alarming Kenneth Miller, your matchmaker, Adrian climbed on the truck in the colony LeBarón, Galeana, Chihuahua, mexico, and grabbed the path to The Mora, in Sonora. “Are sister communities,” explains the man, “we lived there, my daughter was born there.” The colony LeBarón is the matrix of this large family of mormons. For decades they have lived indifferently to one side and to the other of the border. Galeana live approximately 4,000. Here, in The Mora, about 500. The surname LeBarón is the first, the most well-known. But there are also Miller, Widmar, Johnson or Tucker. Rhonita LeBarón married for example with Howard Miller. The mom of Rhonita, one of the wives of Adrian, is called Shalom Tucker.

Douglas Johnson, a hombretón with a beard of span, is supported on the bench of the kitchen, two meters away from the breakfast table. Is brother-in-law of Christina and cousin brother of Dawna. Johnson, age 40, crossed the whole of the sierra Monday night to bring Howard to the rancho La Mora. Howard Miller, the husband of Rhonita. The border agents in Mexico do not want to let pass. ‘But, how are they going to become now?’, said. Johnson recalls that it was one of the trips more solitary than it has done in your life. Or a cart. “We went through a town to buy a coffee, knick-knacks, and the people told us that they could not believe that we were out there. We said, ‘what are you doing crossing here?’. Howard did not speak all the way”.

Johnson breathing strength, breath taking, inflating the words harsh penalties. With every turn of the story stops, as if they were curves of the dirt track that brought them to the border. “We got here at about 10 on Tuesday. I took Howard made a beeline to the house of Kenneth, his dad. Then we went to the road. There, Howard almost fainted. He did not want to see. I yes. I know that I threw down gasoline. And Howard Junior I know I was trying to get out, burning. I don’t know what a force to have that child with her 12 years, but he was trying to leave, burning. He left the door open”.

This Monday, Adrian, Shalom, Mario and Fernando, and their sons, Mark, his nephew, and other family members did the road from Galeana. Federal police officers accompanied them. In the journey we were joined by three vans military. At Pancho Villa, they stood and listened to David Langford, husband of Dawna, the woman who was traveling with seven of their children. At about 19.00, the family, and a huge contingent of police and military arrived finally to the trucks robbed of Dawna and Christina. “We didn’t expect to get to the scene of the crime”, says Mario LeBarón, one of the sons of Adrian. Come, he says, before anyone else, that the authorities themselves. “We could not believe that I would not have come to anybody,” adds his brother, Fernando.

But so it happened. It was already night when they saw the trucks Dawna and Christina. The Rhonita was 20 miles ahead, already near the community of La Mora. Christina was lying on the ground, in the middle of the road. Marco ran out of the car and came over to the cart Christina. In the passenger seat, in the stroller, was Faith. Not crying, not saying anything. Waste hours in there, alone. Alive. Frame is passed to Shalom. She didn’t let go. Had it in her arms five hours until all arrived at the rancho La Mora.

Adrian’s mind that finally came home at midnight. “We wanted to ensure the dead there, but gave us little thing,” he explains. Adrian says he barely slept two hours. No one slept much more.


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