History 15/03/20 public domainШтурм Perekop: the most terrible battle of the Civil war
For 10 days in November 1920 Perekop-Chongar operation of the Red Army lost in killed and wounded 10 thousand people, although the superiority in manpower and weaponry compared to Wrangel she had multiple. This was the last major battle of the Civil war, which ended in the liberation of Crimea from the whites.
Impregnable “Verdun”
Forces of the southern front under the command of M. V. Frunze and consisted of the 5 armies, the capture of the Crimea was planned in the end of October, but the red failed to capture the Turkish shaft at Perekop. This shaft was called the “Verdun” (French fortified during the First world war; the months-long battle for Verdun, the German and the French side have lost only killed more than 300 thousand people). Without artillery support advancing red army suffered heavy losses. The tree had up to 20 meters in height and about 15 meters wide, before the “Verdun” was dug pit depth of 15 meters and a width of about 40 meters.
White organized a multi-layered line of defence: the first line trench located 600 metres from the shaft was protected by several rows of barbed wire, on the second line, held directly on the Turkish rampart, stood more than 70 pieces of artillery, and was equipped with over 100 machine-gun nests. In front of the rampart was set back two strips of barbed wire. Was considered the strongest defensive structures Chongar (Chonhar Peninsula East of Perekop) with betonelemente gun emplacements and fortifications.
Frontal assault
the assault on the Lithuanian Peninsula of Crimea along with the infantry divisions and cavalry brigades took part Makhno, November 7 at night, these units crossed the Ford of the Sivash. After cutting the wire, and the red army clashed in a melee with white and with huge losses entrenched on the Peninsula.
Simultaneously, the regiments of the red Army was advancing on the position of the whites at Perekop. Repeated attempts to take the Turkish shaft fails. The red army mowed down by artillery, machine-gun and rifle fire and throwing grenades. Red shelves in the attacks lost more than half of the personnel killed and wounded. The pace kept attacking numerous barbed wire. White also knocked gun armored car “Garford”, participated in the storming of the Turkish rampart.
on the night of November 9 was made last assault of the shaft, the part of red army units crossed the Perekop Gulf, went to the rear to white. Three o’clock in the morning Turkish shaft at the cost of huge losses by the red Army were captured. White moved to Isunika position. 11 Nov red successfully stormed them. In the days that followed were occupied Simferopol, Sevastopol, Feodosia, Kerch and Yalta.
the Last ship with soldiers and officers of the White army and civilians who wished to evacuate, left Sevastopol on November 14. A few hundred remaining in the Crimea whites red shot or drowned in the sea, undermining the barge on which they were sitting.
Results of operations
Number of victims of the red army (10 thousand people) in Perekop-Chongar operation in his memoirs he cites the commander of the Southern front, Frunze. From the white combat losses are estimated 2 thousands. Admiral Wrangel argued that the main task is to contain the offensive of the red Army as long as everyone had to evacuate, leave the country, troops of the White movement did: from the Crimea in the shortest possible time on all sorts of ships have sailed abroad more than 150 thousand people.
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