Photo: depositphotos/sbotas
the Scientists said, what method is necessary to disinfect the clothing to protect yourself from coronavirus infection. About this newspaper “Izvestia”.
the new method will not harm the fabric, as was the case with the processing of alcohol.
According to the study of the centers for control and prevention of diseases USA, sustainable coronavirus on various surfaces, including clothing and shoes. Later, Chinese scientists set the temperature at which the virus similar to the COVID-19, dies.
it turned Out that during the hour and a half of garment processing at a water temperature of 56 degrees, the virus was completely destroyed. The same result was obtained at one-hour wash at a temperature of 67 degrees. In turn it took half an hour to destroy the virus at a temperature of 75 degrees.
“in addition to the temperature required surfactants contained in any washing powder. So, in my opinion, even a half-hour wash at 60 degrees will make your clothing safe,” – said the head of the laboratory of biotechnology and Virology of the Novosibirsk state University, corresponding member of RAS Sergey Netesov.
it is Clarified that in the context of pandemic clothing after returning from the street necessary to carry to the washing machine in the package. If the same thing is not subject to washing, the virus in a sealed package he will die in 2-3 weeks.
Earlier it was reported how to disassemble the packages of food in a pandemic coronavirus. It was reported that each package is wiped with sterile alcohol wipes.
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