Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/griskin Denis
Operational headquarters for control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus in Moscow told about the order of interaction of medical institutions with patients with cancer in terms of the entered mode of self-isolation.
In particular, it was said that people suffering from cancer will continue to receive medical care in full. At the same time, cancer patients of group III who do not have signs of disease progression, delayed the timing of their inspections in connection with the pandemic coronavirus. If we are talking about advice to clarify the treatment strategy, in this case to transfer the visit to a specialist Agency does not recommend.
Oberstab said that all medical institutions specializing in cancer, are working as planned. In addition, in the event of progression of the disease diagnosis will be conducted at the appointed time. Routinely, radiation therapy and surgery for patients with cancer.
In the sit room said the issue of obtaining treatment for cancer patients. In particular, those who need to take special medication will be able to obtain a prescription for up to 180 days.
In the sit room reminded that when you visit a specialist the patient may be accompanied by only one person. The Department reports that in case you have any questions about the care people can call the phone number: +7 (499) 251-83-00.
on April 3 in Moscow has launched a system of social monitoring of the whereabouts of the citizens who had recorded the coronavirus. Implementation of measures began in connection with the order of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail mishustina, the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin, regarding enforcement of the quarantine via cellular operators.
At the moment in Moscow there is a regime of restrictions of movement imposed on 30 March. On 2 April, the quarantine was extended until may 1, after the address of Russian President VladimiRA Putin to the Russians. In the course of it he said that the shutdown period in the country is extended until April 30.
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in addition, in the capital introduced a system of fines for violation of the regime of self-isolation, which requires to recover from offenders the amount of 4 thousand rubles for the first case and 5 thousand for repeated. At the same time, the mayor has postponed the introduction of the access regime in the capital.
In Moscow in recent days found 448 people who picked up a coronavirus infection. In just the past 24 hours in Russia recorded 601 new cases of infection COVID-19. Only on the territory of the Russian Federation revealed 4149 people with this disease.
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