This purpose, as much or more than the first, has given public support, the majority of the Turkish offensive (up to 76% of turks, according to a study demoscópico). “It is now more than seven years that the refugees are here. And the State gives them a house, food and aid for all,” says Hussein, owner of a workshop in the village of Akdiken (close to the syrian border), echoing a rumor as extended as fallacious. Recognize, though, that the 200 refugees that there are in his people are dedicated to tasks such as watering the fields or sweep up the bread oven for “take off four hard” that allow them to survive.

Jihad lives in a shanty town of Akçakale of low houses and the poor close to the border with Syria. He is on the other side and fled to Turkey when the YPG kurds took control of the area, which previously had been under the yoke of the ISIS and, before that, in the hands of the Syrian Army Free. Like their arab neighbors, he feared what that might make him kurdish militias, and that now supports the intervention of Turkey, he says, while pushing the stroller of his baby next to his wife, quietly, and black cover. “If they release the area of Tel Abiad I’ll be there.” In Turkey, the rents are too expensive for the pocket of the syrians and the jobs that are too precarious, so they return to Syria, where at least they can cultivate their land that they had it, it is an option for some. According to the media Turkish, refugee families have already begun to return to the territory controlled by Turkey, although Government sources consulted by The Country have not provided more data.


The economic crisis in Turkey, moves to the return of the refugees to Syria syrian refugees to enter on the campaign of the elections in turkey Fear among the syrian refugees by the wave of arrests and deportations of the Turkish Government

In the United Nations General Assembly in September, Erdogan introduced a map of the north of Syria with a strip of 30 kilometres deep south across the border Turkish-syrian. There, he said, in that territory of approximately 14,000 square kilometers, Turkey aimed to establish a safe zone and build 150 new locations on which to place the syrians. It was a perfect plan for their interests-to be rid of part of the refugees, which both will have cost them electorally in the recent election, and opened a huge business opportunity for construction companies of turkey, many of them on the verge of bankruptcy due to the economic crisis facing the country.

“In the area secured by the operation we will install one million syrians, and later, another million. We will work with our Russian friends to facilitate voluntary returns,” said Erdogan in the past day 22. However, the military operation of Turkey has only been conquered about 2,000 square kilometers —essentially the territory between the towns of Tel Abiad and Ras al— Ain and, following the agreement reached between Putin and Erdogan, the rest of the frontier territory left in the hands of the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

“One thing are the proposals and the other the reality on the ground. My estimate is that the area currently under the direct control of Turkey can host to 400,000 refugees,” says Ömer Özkizilcik, an expert on Syria from the think-tank Turkish MUSHROOM: “the rest will depend on if you set up a structure of local government strong, and if there is some kind of protection mechanism in Turkish or Russian. If the regime has all the control, the refugees will not return, because it is of him that fled”.

Khalid —not his real name— he served in the Army of Al-Assad until he defected at the start of the syrian civil war. It is a man’s long, lanky as a character of The Greek, and also resides in Akçakale: “I can not return to the area of the scheme, because then I will question why I escaped. And I will kill you”. Proceeds of Deir Ezzor and there have already been demonstrations against the eventual entry of the regime forces. Similar protests have been in Manbij and other places handed over by kurdish militias in Damascus in the past few weeks.

The fear is not unfounded. A study of the Syrian Association for the Dignity of the Citizens (SACD) based on interviews with refugees who have returned to areas of the regime and inhabitants of towns recaptured by the syrian regular Army in the last few years reveals that the majority “lives in fear and feels insecure” by the constant “forced recruitment, arbitrary detention and extortion” to which it subjected the Government of Assad. According to opposition media, Damascus has a list of 1.5 million suspicious —that is to say, one of every 14 syrians— who seeks to stop. “Return to areas under control of the Assad regime, Russia or Iran is impossible”, explains this journal Sohaib Busi, SACD: “I do Not believe that any refugee return to the areas of the regime by his own will.” The own Turkish Government is aware of this. The Foreign minister, Mevlüt Çavusoglu, said this week that seeks to require the Executive to Damascus some kind of warranty before you return the syrians to their country.

The NGO Human Rights Watch has criticized the very concept of the “security zone” created by Turkey, given that its intervention in the areas of kurdish Syria has led to the displacement of up to 300,000 people and because it does not create the character “voluntary” returns, given that in recent months, Ankara has returned dozens of syrians against their will. “We support any initiative that will create a safe environment for the return of the syrians, but this should not be done at the expense of displacing others,” adds Busi: “In the absence of an international mechanism that ensures that minimum conditions of safety and dignity of returnees, we’ll only see more instability and displacement.” In fact, 60 % of respondents for study of SACD state that they consider migrating permanently from Syria, and the most frequently appointed to be saved are “the countries of the EU and Turkey itself.


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