History 11/03/20 Rack, whips, hot iron: as Peter the great took revenge on the archers
In the history of Russia there were many very contradictory personalities, but Emperor Peter I Alexeyevich can rightly claim the title of most controversial ruler. On the one hand, his work is largely strengthened the position of our country on the world stage. But on the other, many of the methods resorted to by the Tsar-reformer, was distinguished by undue severity. Including the execution of the Streltsy, accused of an attempted coup.
Historical background
the Famous artist Vasily Surikov in 1881 wrote his famous painting “Morning Strelets’execution”. Despite the frightening realism of this painting a real picture of what happened, according to eyewitnesses, were even worse.
the Russian historian Alexander Brickner wrote a five-volume “History of Peter the Great” (St. Petersburg, 1882-1883). The first volume of this scientific work is devoted to the formation of the controversial ruler. In Chapter 2, “the Streltsy revolt, 1698” the author cites numerous testimonies and excerpts from diaries of contemporaries of Peter the great, among whom were moved to Russia, the Scottish General Patrick Gordon and the Austrian diplomat Johann Korb.
As noted by A. G. brikner, the reform of the army, organized by Peter I, inevitably led to the disbandment of Streltsy troops: this type of organization of military units at the turn of XVII-XVIII centuries already significantly outdated and did not meet the ambitious designs of the young Emperor.
the archers were called “Russian butchers” for a reason. Like their Turkish colleagues, they were privileged professional soldiers, which has always been a powerful argument in the political struggle. In Moscow, the archers could engage in trade and various crafts besides service, where he received a decent salary. Servicemen got married, raised children, yavleasy wealthy residents Zamoskvoretsky settlements, they were exempt from paying taxes to the Treasury. Under Peter I, this vol is over.
Bloody campaign to Azov in 1695, truncated salary, the hardships of service has caused dissatisfaction among the professional military, accustomed to a different attitude. With the southern border the king immediately sent those servicemen people in the West – in Great Luke. The archers are unable to see their families, which also angered them.
besides the power of Peter has not yet been established definitively. His older sister, Sophia, who ruled from 1682 to 1689 year, while the future king has not reached the age of majority, still in the popular mind associated with the image of the wise Empress. After the removal from power of the Princess lived in the Novodevichy convent.
In March, 1697, arrived in Moscow 175 archers, willfully left the place of service, to “seek the truth”. Since the king was away, did not find support among the boyars, soldiers conveyed their complaints to the Princess Sophia, which is still nothing to help them could not: she was imprisoned.
was there a riot?
still unknown: whether the sister of Peter I to regain power, taking advantage of the discontent of the Streltsy? Subsequently, many of them under torture confessed that they had been members of a conspiracy aimed at the overthrow of a legitimate monarch. But these readings, most likely, was a self-incrimination.
Real letters from Sophia to the archers or other documents were not found, and she persistently denied all charges.
anyway, returning to the beginning of April in the arrangement of its parts Sagittarians negotiators told their comrades that Tsar Peter I completely “Germanized” went to Europe, and maybe died there. In early June, 1698 “Russian Janissaries” moved to Moscow.
the Aforementioned Austrian diplomat Johann Korb wrote in his diary that the Muscovites were afraid when they heard about the rebellion of the Streltsy.
Although reliable data that compel people intended NAPASt capital, does not exist. Perhaps tired from their hardships, insecurity, delays meager salary and separation from families, people just wanted to go home. Their mentality did not accept the obvious fact: for the king they are no longer privileged soldiers, as part of the regular army of the new model, in which the most important is order and discipline.
Willfully leaving the location, the archers will automatically become in the eyes of the authorities as traitors.
18th of June four regiments of the “Russian Janissaries” (approximately 2,200 people) met at the new Jerusalem monastery, located 40 km from Moscow, with eight regular army. During the negotiations the representatives of the archers tried to convince the opponents of the peaceful nature of their protest. They say they are going home for owed wages, and then ready to serve the Emperor where he will order.
to get back the archers refused. Then the Scottish General Patrick Gordon, who, after moving to Russia, enjoyed the favor of Peter I, ordered to give “Russian butchers” artillery barrage. 25 guns decided the outcome of the confrontation in one hour. The archers surrendered.
the Rack, whips, hot iron
Mercy to those whom he considered rebels, authorities in Russia never was. The leaders of the Streltsy were executed immediately: in June 1698, the walls of the new Jerusalem monastery was hanged 56 people. Another 140 soldiers people beaten with whips and sent to Siberia, and about 2 thousand “Russian Janissaries” joined the ranks of the inmates of different jails and dungeons.
Peter returned from his European trip in August and decided that investigative actions in the case of the rebels was not careful. According to the decision of the young king in the village of Transfiguration began work 14 (and some 20) the torture orders. There began to take the former Musketeers. Was up on the rack, beaten with whips, tortured with a hot iron, broke fingers not only men. The interrogations “with addiction” was subjected to the wife’s archers Princess Sophia and her maidens. Chapter 13 of the book of Nikolay Kostomarov, “Russian History in biographies of its main figures” dedicated to those tragic events.
Many researchers have been shocked by the decision of the king’s minions to torture the Streltsy wives who had not seen their husbands since they are sent to March on Azov. These women could not participate in the conspiracy.
As established historians, Peter was present at the interrogation of his older sisters, but personally, if he tortured the former ruler of Russia, remains unknown. Then the Princess was forcibly tonsured as nuns, and imprisoned in the Novodevichy convent, where she died in 1704.
It was in the character of the reformer – to personally participate in all state Affairs. Of course, he did not invent a new torture, but the number of tortured people, many of whom have been victimized again and again (not yet recognized), the suppression of the Streltsy uprising has no equal in Russian history. Never before has such beatings not subjected to all the participants of the protest, is usually limited only by the ringleaders and instigators.
Especially eager to the king’s henchmen were looking for a letter from the tsarevna Sophia to the archers, which could serve as documentary proof of the existence of a conspiracy. It is known that in September 1698 a Sagittarius Maslov under torture confirmed the existence of this letter, the people involved in the investigation, seized and began to torture his relative by the name of beetles. They were hoping to find the document. Maslova 2 times was up on the rack and gave it 97 lashes, Zhukov survived 4 sessions with the rack and 99 beats. Besides, it was burning hot firebrands.
However, all these statements given under torture were not confirmed. Letters of the Princess Sophia Sagittarius is still not there.
the Executioners volunteers
Given the nature of the 26-year-old Peter, no one was surprised by his decision to execute the archers.
“History of Russia from ancient times” by Sergei Solovyov contains interesting information about how there were these tragic sobitia. In volume 14 academic publication says: “September 30 was the first penalty: Sagittarius, number 201, was taken from the Transfiguration in carts to the Pokrovsky gate; each wagon sat two by two and kept a hand on the lighted candle; behind the carts ran wives, mothers, kids with terrible screams.”
However, the first executions occurred in the village of Transfiguration. According to witnesses, the five archers head chopped off personally by Peter I. the subsequent events proved to be unusually bloody. Seemed to have involved a terrible conveyor for the deprivation of life.
As pointed out by N. I. Kostomarov, from 11 to 21 October at the red square every day there were mass executions. Some archers were hung, another beheaded, the third was on the wheel. And all this happened in front of the Streltsy wives and children.
in Front of the cells of the Novodevichy convent, which contained the Princess Sophia, hung on different days 195 people and a mockery in the hands of the bodies put the paper – as if these accidents came to the sister of the king with their petitions (the petitions). So Peter I clearly hinted to Sophia Alexeevna that the death of all these people are guilty of it.
However, many archers were executed directly in the Transfiguration. The Austrian diplomat Johann Korb wrote in his diary that 330 people lost their lives on October 17 hands of untrained executioners. The king ordered the boyars of the Duma, the clerks, all of his associates to execute the rebels, and he watched.
None of the members of the Russian nobility refused to compete in such an unusual role for himself. Inept executioners volunteers caused the archers down the incredible torments: some nobles just did not get it in the neck, causing the penalty turns into torture.
A. G. Brickner pointed out that in September-October 1698 were killed by one of about a thousand people, in February next year – another few hundred went to the light. Among the poor, subjected to slow death by breaking on the wheel were the priests of the new Jerusalem monastery that served a moleben 18 June, before the battle. They were accused that they prayed for the archers.
As executioners really lacked, Peter invited me to try myself in this role to everyone, and to raise national enthusiasm ordered free to pour on the red square vodka. In a drunken stupor butchers volunteers had their heads cut off rebels in the presence of the sovereign.
Perhaps some passers-by who came to see the execution out of curiosity, and didn’t want to kill anyone, but was afraid to displease the Peter I. he approved the people of his absolute will-free vodka, excessive violence, unpunished murder of hundreds of people. As it turned out, this is the recipe of Royal power.
the end of the musketeer regiments
foreigners, who hastened to report about the done in Moscow on the atrocities in their country, this picture made a terrible impression. Still, the executed corpses lying on the red square until February of 1699 – nearly five months. Of course, a warning to others. Then the bodies were buried near the capital the road side, as anciently was made in Russia to bury criminals.
Many families Riflemen were exiled to Siberia. The rest died of hunger and cold, because the wives and children of rebels emerging from all this suffering, forbidden to provide any help. Thousands of innocent people were condemned to death. Driven from their homes by the elderly, women and children were killed on the streets of Moscow in front of everyone.
All 16 of the Streltsy regiments, stationed in the remote regions of Russia, was disbanded. If informed Peter I was planning to use them for border security, it is now feared that the “Russian Janissaries” are plotting to avenge their comrades. The more that such sentiments were among them.
the Riflemen took the weapon from the servicemen and they became common Posadsky people were restricted from military service. In Russia began large-scale military reform, and replaced the privileged soldiers came the regular army.
Origanum Tanatarova
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