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Psychologist and blogger Alexander Shakhov told about the reasons for the laziness of the men. According to him, the male nervous system is more focused on saving energy than women, according to “Days.ru”.
Shahi explained that men have more muscle mass so higher energy consumption. Initially it was to do with hunting, he said. To preserve the resource in a deficit of calories needed to save power.
“Now I know how men desire after work to immediately accept a fixed asana? Why they are prone to laziness and “once again dishes not clean”? They are subject to the physiology that drives them to save resources,” – said the blogger.
He added that in the nervous system men the most energy requires the prefrontal cortex (PFC). She is responsible for the analysis, forecast, willpower, identifying priorities and making decisions, said the psychologist. If energy in the system, the prefrontal cortex is disabled.
If the man makes a decision, it means that PFK has developed a resource and can not perform the work, signed checks. To facilitate men’s decisions and their implementation, he advised to contact them in the morning or on weekends, to prepare in advance for the suggestion to make lists and algorithms to facilitate the task.
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