The Prosecutor’s office of Seville has opened an investigation against the head of Vox in Andalusia, Francisco Serrano, in order to clarify the possible existence of a fraud of public funding obtained for a project that never ran. The judge on leave of absence launched a partnership with another person and received in 2016 the support of the Ministry of Industry of 2.5 million euros, for which a refund claiming him now Finance.


The Judiciary is satisfied that the leader andalusian of Vox must be compensated Vox threat with sanctions to the leader andalusian after his criticisms of the judgment of The Herd

be “reasonable grounds of criminality, it would be referred the proceedings to the public Prosecutor Superior of Andalusia, attended to their status of graduated, continuing the case in respect of other decision-makers is not assessed”, according to has warned the public ministry in a press release.

The 30 of march of 2016, Serrano was with her then partner Enrique Pelegrin Diaz the private limited company Bio Wood Mist, with a registered capital of 1.2 million euros. Through this entity requested the Ministry of Industry of the aid granted through the program Reindus to install in the town of huelva of Fog a factory of pellets (pressed wood). The project received the December 1, 2016, a public grant of 2.5 million euros to return in 10 years, with three of lack.

The factory never came to be. The society only deposited their accounts in the Mercantile Registry in 2017. In October of that year, Serrano, that in the scriptures it appeared as a lead partner with a 60%, left the society and left his position as administrator of solidarity. The ministerial order laying down the bases for the granting of the aid he received Bio Wood Mist states: “The actions to be financed shall run from the 1 of January of the year corresponding to the call to meeting and until a maximum period of 18 months from the date of termination of the concession”.

a Few terms that the society of the current president of the parliamentary group of Vox in Andalusia failed to comply with: the term ended on the 24th of August 2018. Industry called on the partners to provide the necessary documentation in compliance with the law of subsidies. By not doing so, initiated the procedure of reimbursement of the loan granted, which was resolved on June 5, 2019. On the 20th of July ended the term voluntary return, and the case went to the Tax Agency.

This journal has attempted to collect without success the version of Serrano on the investigation opened by the Prosecutor’s office. Until now, their reactions have been produced through threads to Twitter in which the head of Vox in Andalusia, whose leadership is in low hours, has been pointed out that the form the company has provided “invoices pro-forma relating to that machinery”, which the notary considered “sufficient”. “I can assure you that I have a very clear conscience. I have not seen even a single euro of the credit that was requested”, says in another of those messages.

The denial of Serrano and his partner to attend to the requirements of the Administration for the return of the aid was unveiled by the consumer organisation Facua and developed by the digital newspaper Infolibre. Facua is, indeed, one of the entities in the point of view of Vox Andalusia, consider who receives grants excessive. The training is very critical with the granting of public subsidies to what it considers to be “bars”, especially those related to women groups and feminists, NGOS working in the area of migration and entities memorialistas.


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