the electoral program of The PSOE will express the commitment to self-government and a federal model as a solution to the crisis of land in Catalonia. The pressures of the PSC have forced the PSOE to rectify and include among its proposals winks federalists of the statements of Granada and Barcelona, which had disappeared in a draft of the electoral program that was circulated Tuesday. “Of course they’re going to incorporate the Declaration of Granada and the Barcelona Declaration in the programmatic text”, has had to explain Peter Sanchez this Wednesday, after which the PSC expressed their discomfort and raise the pressure to which the socialists claim between their commitments to electoral steps taken toward federalism.

Sources of the Catalan socialists have been explained to THE COUNTRY that it was the Miquel Iceta, first secretary of the PSC, who phoned on the afternoon of Tuesday, Cristina Narbona, president of the PSOE, to ask that this be included explicitly in the electoral program to the elections of 10 November, the express reference to the statements of Granada, and Barcelona.


The last CIS before the 10-N leaves the socialist party the possibility of choosing majorities absolute Álvarez de Toledo: “The PSOE did nothing against Frank and now wants to win on a corpse,” The PSOE is consolidating its position as the party with greater representation

The socialists of the PSC have always advocated that the alternative that they propose to deal with the political situation in Catalonia involves the increase of self-government and recognition of Catalonia as a nation, as well as the shielding of the powers of the Generalitat. The PSOE shares formally these postulates, which are contained in the Declaration of Granada, 2013 signed by the leaders of territorial of the PSOE and the then first secretary of the PSC, Pere Navarro.

Miquel Iceta, his substitute in the office, ensures often with irony: “I always carry it in the portfolio,” referring to the Declaration of Granada. It is a text in which the socialists proposed to “reaffirm” the autonomous State “advancing and developing reforms of federal nature”. The appeal expresses the “plurinational State” that claimed the Catalan socialists will not be accepted in the electoral program to the elections of the 28th of April, despite the numerous statements that had done Sanchez during the primary campaign that he set up the secretariat general of the PSOE.

“At least since 2003, in Santillana del Mar, the PSOE is committed to the reforms necessary for a new impulse of self-government, then established in the Declaration of Granada 2013 and the Declaration of Barcelona of 2017. If our proposals had been applied, do not we would find ourselves in the current situation”, said on page 148 of the electoral program of the PSOE in the past month of April.

however, these references were omitted in the “draft programme” on Tuesday sent José Luis Ábalos, secretary of organization of the PSOE, and Cristina Narbona, who is also the coordinator of the electoral program, to the members of the federal executive. “If you want to include some clarification on the same, please let us pass it as soon as possible”, he said in that letter. From there is when was the flame of Iceta Narbonne, who is very receptive to the request of the Catalan socialists.

“The PSOE is sometimes too transparent. I understand the interest in the program socialist because it is Government unlike the rest of political formations (…) The problem is that it has filtering an electoral program that was not done”, admitted the chairman-in-office and secretary general of the socialists in an interview on Antena 3.

The new program of the PSOE eliminated winks towards federalism —now recovered— and it avoids the explicit references to tax hikes on high incomes and large companies, one of the horses of battle in April. The economic policy proposed by the PSOE includes controversial issues such as the backpack austrian (a personal account of the employee in which the company would pay the severance pay or part of the retirement). In the land tax, the program is limited to declarations of intent: “The reform of the taxation will enable you to overcome in Spain, the anomaly of the low taxation of large corporations, as well as the financial sector and of large technology firms, and the insufficient and inefficient environmental taxation”, points out the program. The socialists do not relinquish up the income TAX for high incomes and “a greater contribution of large companies” in the Tax of Societies. Brussels just leave a message to Spain because of the difficulty to reduce the public deficit and debt, which forces to improve tax collections or to make cuts.

The well-known version this Tuesday, conducted by the is not referring to any of the plurinational and federal reform. Sanchez has reiterated that this was not the final version of the programme, as already insisted on that same day, sources of the federal leadership of the PSOE. The programme for elections to 10-N include the following paragraph: “At least since 2003, in Santillana del Mar, the PSOE is committed to the reforms necessary for a new impulse of self-government, then established in the Declaration of Granada 2013 and the Declaration of Barcelona of 2017”, a text similar to the program’s 28-A.

“we are going for a Spain that’s strong and cohesive, structured from the Constitution and Statute of Autonomy”, picked up the eraser and socialist, in which there was not a single reference to the possibility of giving “a new impulse to self-government”, always within the Constitution. In April, yes the emphasis was on the “recognition of the sensitivities” of the various territories in their own statutes of autonomy. To strengthen the territorial power, the PSOE aspired to such a definition “more precise” aspects of identity, historical, cultural, political and linguistic. Also, an institutional and territorial organisation “as adapted to the peculiarities of each community,” and provided that “does not affect the functioning of other territories. All of that disappeared in the version that went beyond the text to the elections.

Back to federalism

the mention of The socialist party retrieve the statements of Granada (2013), and Barcelona (2017) is to return to the positions that were most federalists that the party, which was called to amend the Constitution to firmly commit by the model of countries such as Germany. The statement grenadine accused of being “confusing and conflicting” the system of division of competences of the autonomous model. Also, criticismba the “insufficient institutional collaboration” between Autonomous Communities and the State. The report of the socialist party, then led by Rubalcaba, estimated that the Senate is a “failure” and that it becomes imperative to have a constitutional reform to bring a Camera territorial, one of the major proposals of the plan.

“federalism should be the final model of our territorial organization,” said the PSOE in Granada on an idea that was picked up by the Barcelona declaration in 2017, as with Pedro Sanchez as Secretary general. The document, in which the socialists are autoproclamaron as “the left”, is asking you to “begin work for a Federal Reform of the Constitution that brings us together again”. The report warned of the importance of making a “supply policy” to prevent “the collision of trains of the October 1” which eventually caused the derailment between the central Government and Catalonia.


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