Paul Married will be joined this Wednesday in Barcelona for the exsocialista and founder of UPyD Rosa Díez, who has been invited to speak at his only campaign rally in Catalonia. Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo has indicated that he would have loved “to have his talent” in the Congress. There is a widespread view in the ranks of the PP. Married said Tuesday that “the most patriotic thing you can do right now is to drive to Pedro Sánchez”. The party believes the socialist leader lost the debate and that the big winner on the left was Íñigo Errejón, who was not involved.
The friendship between Alvarez de Toledo and Díez, and the fact that this participate in an act of the PP in the Congress last September, fired the alarms in the formation about the possible signing of the exsocialista. “It would be a declaration of war”, were of the opinion boxes in the Basque Country. “To have influence on the error of looking outside,” said another leader. Finally, Díez was not included in the lists. When asked if they had come to talk, Married, has praised the policy and has been limited to say that it would have been easier to skip it if Citizens would have accepted his proposal pre-election, Spain Sum. In his only campaign event in Catalonia, the essential theme of his speech, the president of the PP has been invited to the exsocialista not to only go, but to intervene in the rally.
Married-ignoring Abascal, replica Rivera, and focuses on attacking Sanchez The election debate does not clarify the covenants and widens the gap between PSOE and we Can Win the PSOE, still the lock
Married insisted Tuesday in two contradictory messages. On the one hand, that Sanchez does not rule out a Government Frankenstein and make a pact with the nationalists. On the other, that the socialist is “willing to go to a third election, and in 2016”, when he resigned for not having to abstain in the investiture of Mariano Rajoy.
the leader of The PP divides its speeches between Catalonia and the economy. This Tuesday, at a ceremony in Santander, has branded as “unacceptable” to have to “organize a bunker of security to the king” award by the princess of Girona while Sanchez “is still not applying the national security law in Catalonia”. “I saw terrible scenes, like the assault on the entrepreneur Castañer, and the tears of impotence, of Josep Bou [spokesman of the PP in the town Hall of Barcelona]. Those tears represent the tears of all the Spanish society, and the surfeit by the incompentecia of the socialist government,” declared Married.
In terms of the economy, the leader of the PP has taken the data from the arrest —which went up almost 100,000 people— to warn that “the crisis has come,” and to convince the electorate that Sanchez can’t solve it. “The only guarantee for that the spaniards did not lose their job is that miss Sanchez 10-N. socialism is the equal sharing of misery,” he said. Married also remembered that he had asked, without success, that the debate be held this Tuesday and not the Monday to learn these unemployment data. Sources of the address of the PP point to Íñigo Errejón as “the big winner” of the debate in the electorate of the left. “It’s socialism 2.0”.