After less than three months in the Pacific, is damaged the plastic garbage scavengers, The Ocean Cleanup, and has to go back to the country. An 18-metre long tail had detached from the plant, said in a Ocean-Cleanup-speaker. The System should be as soon as the weather conditions allow it. As a possible repair places, he called San Francisco, or Honolulu.

cause of damage, material fatigue, and strong local stresses would probably have done. The garbage scavengers spent stable in the water. For the crew of the companion ship, the environment and the ship traffic there is no security risk.

The trash vortex of the seas

plastic waste in the sea, move to the flow eddies in the world oceans near the Equator. Inside the plastic particles accumulate, they are in a spiral drawn in the shape to the center of the vortex. the

1 North Pacific trash vortex or the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, 2 South Pacific cher garbage vortex 3 trash vortex, the Indian ocean, 4 of the South Atlantic cher garbage vortex 5 of the North Atlantic Garbage patch


the work of The plant began on 17. October, their field of application is the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is estimated that 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic collect in the whirlpool. The Garbage collector is a kind of floating wall from a 600-Meter-long, floating ends of the tubes in a U-shape. This is followed by a three-Meter-long curtain, to capture the flowing waste is to be attached. Then vessels should pick up the trash and for further processing on Land. These Have to be removed within five years, approximately 35,000 tons of plastic waste from the sea.

effect questionable

From the beginning there has been problems. In December, the Initiative stated that the facility could not hold the collected plastic. The repair is to adjust the system so that the Problem will be solved. How long it takes, be open. In addition, the effect of the project is questionable. The best effect of the project, researchers Mark Lenz, whose attention is, according to the sea. Otherwise, doktere The Ocean Cleanup only the symptoms. “We have to solve the garbage problem in the country,” said Lenz.

More than half of plastic waste comes from Asia into the sea, specifically from China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam (Science: Jambeck et al., 2015). These countries import Western plastic waste for further processing. China was the biggest export market for plastic waste from Germany to the country at the beginning of 2018, the quality standards for imported waste raised. Since then, the German waste-to-power of a detour via South East Asia.

to a lesser extent, wastewater treatment plants world of micro plastic in the sea, so tiny plastic particles. The particles produced by the abrasion of the car, on construction sites, or you detach from toys, clothes, and cosmetics. Researchers assume that the earth has virtually no plastic-free areas. A study by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI) noted 2018, a record concentration in the Arctic (Peeken et al., 2018).

In addition, waste is intentionally or unintentionally from ships overboard. For example, fishing nets end up in the water, or storms and floods tearing debris from the Land out to sea.

plastic in the sea – Only we are poisoning the ocean, then us, millions of tons of plastic land every year in the sea and harm animals and nature. As micro-particles, we breathe in him, too. An explainer video © photo:

food, packaging, electric scrap, plastic: The humanity sell. With the focus on “life in the disposable mode” follows TIME show ONLINE the routes of the waste, what is he doing with human and animal and how he can avoid better could.


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