The gentlemen in the dark suits Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer enough politely the Hand, one welcomes the 56-year-old CDU-Boss with a kiss on the left and on the right: Friedrich Merz, her former rival for the party presidency. In this something, tried to gesture the warmth of the 63-Year-old stands at the entrance to the stands a house, once the düsseldorf state Parliament, and on Monday evening the scene of a talk format of the “Rheinische Post”.
Kramp is Loaded-Karrenbauer as a speaker, more than 500 representatives from politics and business had come. At the end of the Evening Merz may resonate with on the stage and in addition to ACC, so your shortcut, about politics. Only then, i.e. after the one hour, only a muted applause speech to the CDU party Chairman, accompanied the atmosphere. It is clear that, For the Sauerland Merz of the night is a home game – the CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Manager have him weighed.
AKK and Merz> are supposedly good at
And in the future? This question is also at the düsseldorf event in the air. There will be Comments on a possible CDU candidacy for Chancellor, whether Kramp-Karrenbauer, or Merz? The topic is still music of the future, since the Bundestag election plan is due as soon as 2024. But given the turbulence from the coalition partner SPD to a collapse of the government seems to be possible, then new elections would be faster than I thought.
With Merz as a Union candidate? In the party, it is known that the sees 63-Year-old as a suitable candidate for Chancellor. Publicly, he says. If it did not seek a government office, or at least a Bundestag mandate, asks him “RP”editor-in-chief Michael Bröcker on Monday evening on the stage. “The question for me to decide if it is to the extent that”, from iron Merz. As a result, the Journalist turns to Kramp-Karrenbauer, and asks whether these Merz in a government office wishes. There is a government Cabinet, the Chancellor Merkel responsible is, she replies, almost: And the next Cabinet will decide the Person who is responsible.
Kramp-Karrenbauer is understandable
Last week Merz in the “ARD”talk show was “Maischberger: the week,” a touch more on the subject. On the question of what he would do if AKK to call him and ask if he wanted to be a candidate, he said: “Then I’ll think about it.”
That will be talked about for a possible candidate Merz, is also due to setbacks for Kramp-Karrenbauer as a party boss. The European election was a Flop for the CDU, the poll numbers are bad. Also, the handling of the party headquarters of the CDU-critical Video of the Youtubers Rezo was, and critics of it. In front of the audience in Düsseldorf, it is understandable – you and your party would have learned from it. You would now react much more quickly and differently to a Youtube Video, she says.
And as it goes further in terms of candidate for Chancellor? The CDU party Congress decisions, in the autumn of 2024, says Kramp-Karrenbauer again. But if the socialists excluded from the government? The SPD have declared to want the coalition to stay, says ACC. “We always assume that the legislature will be very normal.”
In this point, the former and perhaps future internal party rivals are not an opinion – Merz is expecting a rupture. “The centrifugal forces in this coalition are obvious, and not well into the new year,” he said. The SPD was “in a miserable state of disrepair values”. “We don’t have to be a bit careful, we will end up in the same Maelstrom into it,” said the Christian Democrat.
AKK wants to be the CDU and governance again
combine a Little sit up and take notice the Expression of Kramp is-cart-Builder, that in the case of the CDU, the leadership of the party and the government in the future in a Hand should be. This was the normal case in the CDU-story – “and there is much to suggest that this should be the normal case”. Chancellor Merkel has led – as well as Helmut Kohl – for a long time, both the CDU as well as the government. The allocation to a politician, as Chancellor, and a politician as party leader is “for the CDU is really also an Experiment calls all of us”, as AKK. The CDU had 2018, although good reasons for the separation. “But it is also clear, this is just a Phase.”
Would Express the party clearly for such a double function, could be the wind from the back for the reigning Boss of the Berlin-Adenauer-house. Merz is in the candidates topic more tight-lipped. Currently, he is not a politician, said the lawyer, and open a behind door: “I’m not there anyway now.”
rw / mad / Wolf von Dewitz, DPA