the Netherlands has refused to provide the Prosecutor General’s office materials on the case of the crash of the airliner flight MH17. This is stated on the Agency’s website.
the Ministry said that last summer they received a letter request from the Netherlands on legal assistance in the investigation of the crash Boeing in the Donbass. The documentation showed that the Joint investigation team (JIT) suspected of involvement in the case of the three Russians.
“Our citizens cannot be extradited to another state. However, this does not mean that citizens of Russia who have committed a crime abroad, remain unpunished. Such persons shall be criminally liable for their actions in Russia, according to the law”, – stated in the message of Prosecutor’s office.
In this regard, Russian authorities officially applied to the Ministry of justice and security of the Netherlands with the request to give her the appropriate materials, but at the end of December was refused.
“Thus, the authorities of the Netherlands once again evaded taking all necessary measures to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the crash, as prescribed by resolution of the UN Security Council,” – said the Prosecutor General’s office.
Passenger liner company “Malaysian airlines” flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur flight MH17, crashed under Donetsk on July 17, 2014. Killed 298 people from ten countries.
Kiev did not close the sky of Donbass for passenger flights, in spite of active hostilities. After the crash, the Ukrainian authorities have accused militias, but they said that they had no weapons capable of shooting down a plane at such height.
To investigate the causes and circumstances of the crash have formed a Joint investigation team. Its membership includes representatives of Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine. The Russian side has repeatedly expressed distrust of the results of SSG, as the international investigators are not wanted to respond to the findings of Rossiska experts in the proceedings.
In June 2019 investigators announced the names of four suspects. Among them – the Russians Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky and Oleg Pulatov and Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko.
see also
Peskov commented on the error in the report about the crash МН17Россия ready to give the Netherlands the data on the collapse of MH17