In the beer bar, focused on adult fans of expensive imported drinks, empty. Behind the bar there were several friends of the proprietor.
— What you want to do it today, before the full closure of all bars? — I am interested in the company of young people.
— to get Drunk— chorus answer me two.
— Not so bad to be without bars, without money — come into the conversation the older man, constantly handing someone instructions over the phone. He is an entrepreneur. — I think so: I find it easier to go to the godfather, with his wife, children. And there we are with the men sit on the balcony, the children, the children play, the women of his talk. Everything is fine. And here is how to pull the lease, is the question.
the Atmosphere is oppressive, the bartenders are sadly watching TV, people – in your glass. In the course are the only drinks that were given a 50% discount.
— What will you do after closing the bars? — I ask the man behind the counter.
— I’ll do the crime, calmly, as if discussing the weather, the bartender says.
It causes an explosion of laughter from a few visitors.
— And what makes you think I’m kidding? — calmly continued the barman — in two weeks I will have nothing to eat, what are my options?
a man with a lowered chin and a sad look, slowly drinking beer. This doctor is one of Moscow hospitals.
— the mask uncomfortable to drink, embarrassed says the man.
— You are a doctor, and in the midst of the epidemic come here. You know something? It’s not so scary? – trying to find hope.
All that bad, says the man wearily, but I really have not rested, and that we have not brought patients with coronavirus. Don’t know when you’ll have to relax next time. I think this is the last party.
On the streets, usually cramped and crowded in these hours, is empty. Friday night there it was difficult to pass without hitting another group of people, and now, as the old saying goes, can easily disperse a funeral procession, and the carriage with the newlyweds. Promoter, canvas shlyape and a plaid jacket of 20 years, screaming into the void, “Come, with any order of wine for free!”. People walk along it like he plague. The atmosphere of the restaurant, where he calls, quite similar to the party in the style of “the Great Gatsby” and chic 20 years. The room was empty, and behind the bar paying the last two ladies in sweat pants.
In a popular bar in China town, occupied half of the tables.
This success — explains the bartender rose to say good — bye came our regular customers. They say it feels as if the woman of the man goes… We, by the way, my husband and I met at this bar. And in the five years that we work here, it never closed.
rose convinces everyone that the closure only one week, but it seems that she does not believe it.
the Most crowded place — youth pub on Pokrovsky Boulevard. Students recognize that they are the hardest will survive the closing of drinking establishments. Go to apartment parties are able not all.
— I live with my parents, you know? — explain the 20-year-old student. — If the bars close, and I have the time to sit with them. What will I do?
— I even cried a little — joins his age with colored hair, however, stocked up on film for the camera.
— What are you going to shoot? The wall? indignantly shouts to her friend. — We need to think more Mature, at least you salary left. And I myself work in a bar, we closed the day before yesterday and I’m afraid won’t be open.
— Drink less will not be, — assured me 20-year-old psychologist is temporarily working at the liquor store. — We have a week sweeping, long lines, salaries are large. For the first time in my life I can use my education — when at the checkout something breaks, and behind 15 people with full baskets, then “include” psychologist, break them into small groups and lead a calming talk: it’s working now, no alcohol will remain.
one of the gay bars noisy company invites passers-by to the school.
— Come on, just tell mee protection, that is not the first time, the dress code today, no — fun convince me to go to the bar young stylists — we want to become more people only an hour before closing, and it should be the best party of our lives!
the Stylists, as many are long-term unemployed.
Parlors, and bars — not the first thing people will now spend money. But where to meet, where to make contacts? All find jobs through connections, but where to start, if everyone is sitting at home? People will simply cease to value friendship, communication. In order to see you, I’m going to spend the money, the food in the subway — I put time and energy into our friendship. But in Skype, in the correspondence do not, you can simply close the browser window and walk away without explaining anything. This contact means nothing to me, I do not mind to lose it.
the company joins a man in scruffy clothes and drunken person.
— Slava, how’s life with you? — as a native meet the regulars at the local bars homeless. They say he even have an account in Instagram.
— And someone else something to nakoalat? — quietly asked Slavik
— All the Bank is closed, terrible times are coming, Slavik! Bored will you survive.
— We are the most resilient beings on the planet — proudly declares homeless, after cockroaches. There want brains differently begin to think the break through.
With Slavik agrees middle-aged woman. She is a historian, studying antiquity.
— We live in an amazing era. First, it will be very hard, but then everyone will have to come up with something, perhaps due to the quarantine and mass transfer on udalenku finally launch fully automated production. People no longer have to deal with any nonsense — it will be done by robots. And we finally step into the future. But times have been worse — I as a historian of antiquity say.
the Conversation is interrupted by the security guard at the entrance:
— If you want something else to manage, you have 10 minutes. At midnight everything is closed.
a Young guy PEretrieval music, rising with a glass over the table: “gentlemen, look at this one last time.” Before a new era was 10 minutes.
Read also: “it Became known how the government will stop the “Proms” Muscovites”