Photos: Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov
Delay supplies Chinese parts for tablets for the national census in 2024, while not critical, said the press service of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation.
they added that if the quarantine will be extended, the risks will appear. The Ministry explained that I do not know how long it will last. According to the representative of the Ministry of industry and trade, some manufacturers have returned to work, the Agency is monitoring the situation, reports TASS.
Earlier in the media appeared information that from-for quarantine in factories in Hubei province suppliers tablets can’t get the right amount of components to build devices. In “Rostelecom” said that the producers of tablets on the problems announced.
Suspended shipments of smartphones from China. They lay Huawei, Xiaomi, Vivo, Realme, ZTE and Lenovo. Adidas and Apple to temporarily shut down stores in China. In the National hockey League faced with a shortage of clubs that supply from China.
In the far East due to the closure of the border a few days of trucks with fruits and vegetables couldn’t get into Russia. Commodity prices have risen sharply.
“the Magnet” temporarily stopped the delivery of food products from this country. In “Coswell” assured that can not be panic and continue to import products from China. In the shops of METRO consider alternative suppliers in case the authorities will impose a ban on the import of Chinese products.
According to the latest data, the total number of victims COVID-19 in China is 1,380 people. More than 6.7 thousand was discharged from the hospital, 63.8 thousand are included in the list is infected with a coronavirus.
In Russia, 548 Chinese citizens were quarantined. A large part of the potentially infected is in the far East.
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