This Tuesday (April 28, 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben) the grand finale of “The Masked Singer” will be held. The successful show, in which prominent candidates are under costumes and perform songs on stage, has four finalists ready. Who is behind it and who is the favorite to win? Here is all the information.

Ten prominent candidates took the “The Masked Singer” adventure. In show one, singer Stefanie Heinzmann (31) was unmasked as a Dalmatian. This was followed by model Franziska Knuppe (45) as a pink bat and actress Rebecca Immanuel (49) as a golden goddess. “I can not be responsible for traveling in the current time and therefore I decided to stop voluntarily”, singer Angelo Kelly (38) said goodbye to “The Masked Singer”. He had appeared as a cockroach. Presenter Caroline Beil (53) had to identify herself as a robot. In the semi-finals, comedian legend Dieter “Didi” Hallervorden (84) caused a sensation as a chameleon.

But who is behind the rest of the costumes? Some female celebrity names already fell in the rabbit. Martina Hill (45), Sonya Kraus (46) and Enie van de Meiklokjes (45) are at the top of the audience. The advice team, consisting of moderator Ruth Moschner (44) and singer Rea Garvey (46), has previously also bet on actress Nora Tschirner (38) or Hella von Sinnen (61). Behind the whisper, viewers and jurors suspect the singers Mike Singer (20), Wincent Weiss (27) or Daniele Negroni (24).

If it were up to the spectators, Max Giesinger (31), Gregor Meyle (41) or Matthias Steiner (37) hides behind the kite. The judges also bet on Gregor Meyle, and brought the name Henning Baum (47) into play in the semifinals. Hot tip for sloths: Stefan Raab (53). The audience also tap Sasha (48) and Tom Beck (42). The jurors also named Tom Beck and also musician colleague Álvaro Soler (29).

When it comes to victory, the celebrities revealed so far have two costumes in mind. “My personal favorite is the dragon so far,” revealed Stefanie Heinzmann after she left in an interview with spot on news. “I’m a huge fan of the kite,” Dieter Hallervorden agreed in an interview. But of course he knew that he had very strong competition from the sloth.

“I prefer the sloth,” Caroline Beil, dressed in robotic costume, said in an interview. “As a character, I find that incredibly funny and then whoever it is can sing really great. He really has what it takes. ”Also for Rebecca Immanuel, who turned out to be a goddess, the sloth is the big favorite:“ The guy sings hammer. I’m really excited to see who it is. ”

In the final, Max Mutzke (38) will support the jury, he won the first season as an astronaut. “I am really looking forward to the unmasking because I am sure that I know a few of the celebrities personally,” he announced in a ProSieben announcement. The guesswork continues after the finale this year: New “The Masked Singer” episodes will be broadcast in autumn 2024 – live as usual, of course. Then, according to ProSieben, again with an audience and “in full beauty”.


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