Less teachers, professors, younger and educational teams that are less stable : the middle school students from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the Ile-de-France enjoy conditions of labour less favourable than those areas that are more preferred. A situation that causes inequality in learning achievement, notes a study published on Wednesday 24 October.
The national Council for the evaluation of the school system (Cnesco) looked “more closely” the human resources of the 874 public colleges of the region, the researchers were divided into districts, bringing together people color social close enough, of 2 600 inhabitants on average.
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These works, carried out during two years, shed light on the territorial inequalities in the académies of Paris, Versailles and Créteil. The private colleges are not taken into account in this survey, the researchers have not been able to obtain statistical data about them.
The stability of teaching teams
The contract, that is to say, the teachers do not hold, represent only 5.5% of the teachers of the colleges of the territories in paris and suburbs (Neuilly-sur-Seine and Boulogne) very fortunate, compared to 13% in average in the areas of île-de-france combining the most socio-economic issues.
within this last category, the study stresses, however, differences between the departments. Thus, the rate of contract is close to 18 % in the Val-d’oise and only 7.4 % in Seine-et-Marne.
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Another element studied : the age of the teachers. The colleges of Paris, Neuilly and Boulogne are distinguishable, with only 9.6% of teachers aged less than 30 years. The young professors represent, however, more than one-quarter of the workforce in disadvantaged areas and over 30 % in the territories, combining the most socio-economic issues.
The Cnesco then measured the stability of teaching teams within schools, which is a variable recognized as a fundamental element in the academic success of students. The share of teachers working in the same establishment for at least eight years is 28 % of the territories in paris and suburbs (Neuilly-sur-Seine and Boulogne) very fortunate, 30 % in the residential suburbs favoured, and 22 % in disadvantaged areas and 17 % in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
Results of the patent 2017
The researchers Cnesco have also passed through a sieve, the results of the patent 2017, the national review spent by pupils at the end of the third. If the difference in results between the pupils of the districts the most advantaged and those most disadvantaged is relatively low (89 % success for the first, 83 % for the latter), the situation is very different when one takes into account that the notes of the written tests national (which accounted for 50 % of the final grade, the remaining 50% from the continuous monitoring during the school year).
Thus, based only on the grades of the final trials, 56 % of the students of Paris, Neuilly, and Boulogne would get the exam, compared to only 23 % in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Figures that shed light on an inequality in learning achievement.
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The study also noted differences between the departments. Thus, in the Yvelines, the students of the city’s most advantaged do better in the final trials of the patent that the average French children favored. But the students are the most disadvantaged in this department have a success rate of only 15 % (against 23 % in average in this type of neighbourhoods in the Ile-de-France).
The Cnesco is careful not to draw hasty conclusions from these data. It issues several recommendations to accompany the teachers beginners and stabilize the teams : mentoring, specific training programmes for young teachers are often assigned to work in the neighborhoods of the less fortunate, including “training on the cultural codes” of which young professionals are often distant, housing subsidies or places in the nursery…
the construction of The priority education
The construction of the redesign of the priority education is now launched. The mission, led by Pierre Mathiot, and Ariane Azema is expected to issue findings in the spring of 2019 for the implementation of the reform in September 2024. The launch of this new site, therefore, comes to freeze the revision of the map of priority education, which would have had to intervene in 2019. The minister and the officers have not commented on the questioning – or not – of the labels REP and + REP.
Contacted by The World, Pierre Mathiot confirms the ambition to break the “threshold effects” and to think of a gradation of assistance given. The other priority of this mission will be to consider the place of rural areas, at a time when the majority of disadvantaged children are not in schools a priority.